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Ben and a nervous Maia rode his bike to the forest. He parked it and the two walked along until they came to a bridge in the sky.

While they walked along, following Ben and Maia, Elias turned to Mal and said, "Tell me something about yourself that you've never told anyone."

Mal thought for a moment. "Um... My middle name is Bertha."

Elias bit back a laugh. "Bertha?"



They stopped and looked out at the sights below. "Just my mom doing what she does best. Being really, really evil. Mal Bertha."

Elias smiled. "Don't feel too bad. Ben's is Florian."

She turned to him. "Florian?"


"How princely. Oh, that's almost worse. We really shouldn't tell your sister, should we? "

"No we definitely should not." They continued walking as Elias said, "I mean, you know, it's better than Bertha. But it's still not..."

Ben and Maia were walking ahead and got to the end of the bridge and he took her hands. "Watch your foot. Yeah. Are you good?"

Maia nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Now step up." She did as he instructed and closed her eyes. "There go go. You ready?"

Again, she nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Open," he said.

Mal and Maia opened their eyes to see a little gazebo set up for the dates next to a lake. Ben smiled. "Go on."

Maia and Mal made their way down and Ben and Elias followed. They sat down for their picnic and immediately, Mal ate a jelly donut. "Mm..." She started licking her fingers.

Elias, who was laying across from her, asked, "Is this your first time?"

"Mm... We don't really date much on the island. It's more like..." she took a moment to think of the right words, "Gang activity."

Elias laughed awkwardly. "Um, I meant, is this your first time eating a jelly donut?"

As Mal continued to lick her fingers, she asked, "Is it bad?"

Elias leaned closer to her. "You got a..." He brought his thumb to her lips. "Just a... I mean, yeah, do this." He licked his lips and she followed. "Mm-hmm."

"Gone?" Mal asked and he nodded. "You can't take me anywhere, I guess."

"You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know that much about you. Tell me something."

Mal let out a breath. "Well, I'm 16. I'm an only child. And I've only ever lived in one place."

Elias smiled. "Me too. Same with Mal and Ben. That... we have so much in common already."

Mal shook her head. "No. Trust me, we do not. And now you friend is gonna be king."

"Yeah," Ben replied with a distant look.

"What?" Maia and Mal asked.

"A crown doesn't make you a king."

Maia frowned. "Well, it kind of does."

"No, it..." Ben began before changing his words. "Mal, your mother is mistress of evil and I've got the poster parents for goodness. But we're not automatically like them. Maia, Elias, your dad is the son of a god and your mom is a pretty amazing mortal. We get to choose who we're gonna be."

Elias nodded. "He's right. And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil. I can see it." He suddenly changed the subject and said, "Let's go for a swim."

Mal's eyes widened. "Hm? What? Uh... right now?"

He nodded and he and Ben stripped down to their shorts. "Yeah, right now."

Mal remained seated. "I think I'm just gonna stay here. With Maia."

"No, no, no. Come on," Ben and Elias begged, offering their hands.

"I think I'm gonna stay behind and try a strawberry before." Mal picked one up and put one in my mouth. "Mm!" She looked down at it as her eyes widened. "Mm..."

Elias laughed. "Don't eat all of them, okay?"

"Okay. Mm."

Maia noticed Ben's shorts and called out to him. "Are those little crowns on your shorts?"

He smirked. "Maybe." He let out a roar and jumped into the water. "Whoo! Ha ha!"

Elias laughed and jumped in as well.

As Mal and Maia watched Ben and Elias, they found themselves wandering in their thoughts.

[If Only]

Mal and Maia noticed that Ben and Elias had disappeared and panicked.

"Ben? Ben? Ben!" Maia called.

"Elias? Elias? Elias!" Mal shouted.

Mal and Maia jumped into the water and made their way deeper in. It got deeper and they struggled to stay above the water. Elias appeared and carried her back onto the gazebo. Mal glared at him. "Ugh! You scared me!"

He frowned. "You... you can't swim?"


"You live on an island!"

"Yeah, with a barrier around it, remember? Ugh!"

Elias grinned. "And you still tried to save me."

"Yeah. And do you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet!"

"And, uh, this fancy rock," Elias said, picking up a glowing white rock. "It's yours. Make a wish and throw it back in the lake."

Mal frowned and angrily tossed it into the lake. She stood and Elias placed a towel around her shoulders.

Ben walked up with Maia in his arms. "Why'd you try to save me?" He paused as he set her down and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her shoulders. "You would've risked your life for me?"

Maia nodded slowly. "At the risk of myself, yes. I always will, Ben."

Ben smiled as he sat and she sat next to him. "Maia, remember how I said I love you?"

Maia gave a small acknowledgement to his question. "Ben, it's not me you love. If anyone, I would think your girlfriend."

"No, Maia, for awhile I think it's been you, but I was always worried as to what you thought of me. You never seemed to show interest."

She laughed softly. "Because you were with Audrey, I didn't feel it right to show interest."

"So I wasn't dreaming?"

"No, Ben, you weren't."

Ben tucked her hair back, moving his hand to let it rest on under her chin.

Meanwhile, Elias sat down next to Mal and ran a hand through her hair. She noticed Elias staring at her weirdly. "What..."

"Uh, Mal... I think I might love you," Elias said. "What about you? Do you love me? And I know how that sounds. But don't worry, there's no rush for an answer. I'll wait as long as it takes."

"I don't know what love feels like," Mal admitted as she looked away from him.

Elias placed a hand under her chin and turned her head to face him. "Maybe I can teach you."

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