They rode their motorcycles to the bridge. Celia was on the back of Mal's.

Mal stared out across the water. "Noble steed proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere."

They drove across the water, getting splashed the entire way. Dude call out behind them, "Carlos, you're gonna miss Jane's birthday!"

When they got to the Isle, they docked the motorcycles. Mal looked down at her hands and touched her face. "Hey. I'm me again."

Celia rolled her eyes. "Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point."

Maia scoffed. "The sass isn't necessary. We have to focus."

Evie and Maia smiled at Mal. "Welcome back."

Mal returned their smiles. "Thank you."

Celia led them to a secret entrance and placed her helmet on the table. She knocked on the door and danced as it knocked back. She knocked again and the door opened. The six of us walked inside.

Maia glanced around warily. Being on the Isle felt wrong, but it also felt strangely right, which concerned her. Perhaps there was a familiarity to the Isle. Whether a presence she hadn't known before or because she'd been there, she wasn't sure, but it definitely worried her.

Dr. Facilier walked up to Celia. "Hey."

"Daddy!" Celia cried.

"Here she is! Come on. And... and... ho! Hey, yeah."

They watched the two of them share a little dance from the balcony we were standing on. Celia tapped her father's nose instead of kissing his cheek. Maia smiled lightly, remembering her father dancing with her mother. It was always awkward, but sweet.

Dr. Facilier smiled. "Come here little rascal."

They walked off and we climbed down a flight of stairs to explore the arcade. Carlos and Elias walked over to a TV and he placed a coin in. "Alerts on the sleeping spell keeps coming as it spreads throughout Auradon."

"Uh, guys," Carlos called, "come look at this."

The others walked over and stood near them and the reporter continued. "There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey, is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update? This way? It's moving this way. It's moving this way."

They exchanged a look, knowing they needed to get back as soon as possible. They walked outside to see that their bikes had been overtaken by a pirate and a street boy of sorts.

"Harry and Gil," Evie whispered.

Carlos narrowed his eyes. "Wow. Rookie mistake?"

Harry grinned. "Long time nay see."

Jay glared at him. "Get off my bike, Hook."

"Catch me if you can, Jay!"

Jay glanced to his friends. "Over the roofs. Cut them off."

Carlos nodded. "Yup."

They left while Mal and Maia remained. Celia tried to run after them and Mal grabbed her shirt. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. Not you. They got this. You, me and Maia gotta go find that ember."

Celia gave her a small smirk. "Good timing. It's right about his nap time."

They made our way to a dark lair.

"I'll keep watch," Maia said. "Best of luck."

Mal nodded. "Be back soon."

Mal and Celia walked inside and Maia turned to stand guard, awaiting their return.

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