"Auradon. It's beautiful, isn't it? I'm Mal, daughter of Maleficent, and this is my home. It wasn't always. I was born on the Isle of the lost, where of all the villains had been banished, locked away for good. That is, until Prince Ben decided that their children should have a chance. And so, four villain kids, the VKs, came to Auradon, including me. Long story short, Ben is the king now, and I'm his girlfriend, and we are about to head back to the Isle to pick what will hopefully be a long line of new VKs who get to come to Auradon and find their happily ever afters too."

[Good to be Bad]

"Who wants to go?" Mal asked. "You?"

Evie walked to the back with Mal. "Are you excited?"

Evie grinned. "Are you kidding? I'm so excited. I can't believe this day has finally arrived. I honestly wish we could take you all with us, and someday, very soon, maybe we can."

Mal nodded. "Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times. You're going to be so sick of us. So sick of us."

"Can I get a drumroll please?" Evie asked, and the crowd started a drumroll. "First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella. My sweet, sweet friend. That's you. My Dizzy."

Dizzy squealed and ran up to the front. Carlos stepped up for his VK choice. "Next, is son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky."

Squeaky nervously made his way to the front as Jay said, "And no way we are splitting up the twins, so get over here Squirmy. Come on. Congratulations. Bring it in, buddy." They hugged.

Mal stepped to the front and said, "And last, but certainly not least, we all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it up for Dr. Facilier's daughter Celia."

"I'm bad," Celia said with a twirl and a smile.

Carlos looked at the chosen VKs. "We'll be back for you guys next week, okay?"

Jay nodded. "And so, pack your stuff. Your own stuff."

The VKs nodded and they asked, "Where are we going?"

Together, everyone answered, "We're going to Auradon!"

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