[Shorter chapter this week]

Celia's voice cried out, instantly grabbing Mal's attention, "Mal!"

"Yeah, save your little friend, Mal!" Audrey taunted.

Mal turned into a dragon and let out a breath of fire. Audrey laughed and tried to hit her with a blast from the scepter. She noticed Celia standing behind Audrey in fear.

"Help me, Mal!" Celia yelled.

Audrey grabbed Celia and held her in front. "Careful not to fry your little VK buddy."

"Help me, Mal!" Celia cried again, struggling in Audrey's grasp.

"Hold still, you little brat!"

Uma suddenly grabbed Mal's attention. "We're stronger together, we're stronger together! I'm right here, Mal! Regain your might and ignite." Mal breathed fire on the ember, but it stayed dark. "I'm right here, girl. I'm right here. Regain your might and ignite!" The ember glowed blue.

"You want a piece of this?" Audrey asked.

"No, no!" Celia exclaimed.

Mal held up the ember and blue met pink. "Go, Mal!" Celia cried.

"Go, Mal!" Harry cheered.

"You got this!" Uma encouraged. "You got this, girl!"

The blue light from the ember snuffed out the pink light and Audrey fell into a deep sleep.

"Yes!" Uma cried.

Mal turned back into myself and landed on the pillar where Audrey and Celia were. "Mal!"

Mal hugged her. "Celia. It's okay. I've got you." She noticed Audrey wasn't waking up and made her way over to her. "Audrey? Oh, no." Her father's words registered in her head. 'You're only half-Hades. The ember won't do everything that it does for me.'


Maia let out a gasping breath and heard Ben cough. Everyone had turned human again.

Maia ran to Ben and hugged him tightly, then hugged her brother.

"Come on. Let's go," Ben said.

Evie patted Carlos' shoulder. "You good?"

He nodded. "Yeah."


Elias nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Where's Mal?"

"I don't know. But we'll find her."

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