While walking through the halls of Auradon Prep, two girls said hello to Jay, and he flirted back. Carlos frowned at him. "Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already."

Jay grinned. "I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them."

"Carlos! Who are you going with?" Maia asked, ignoring Jay.

Carlos smiled awkwardly, then looked at Jay. "That's what I wanted to talk about. Ah! You're the expert. Um, Jay... if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?"

Jay smirked. "Listen, all you got to do... is look like me."

Carlos frowned. "Oh, ha-ha."

Maia let out a sigh. "Elias' and my mom always says being yourself is the most attractive you."

Jane walked up to them and said, "Maia. Mal."

Carlos smiled at her. "Hey, Jane."

She looked up at him. "Hey."

"I was wondering... uh... if you liked the... carrot cake last night."

"I had the pumpkin pie," Jane answered.

"Oh, cool. Um, uh--"

"Smooth," Jay teased.

Evie came up to deal with Cotillion appointments.

Elias gave a teasing smile to Carlos. "You should go with Jane."

"I, uh, we're just friends," he protested.

"Just friends don't get nervous talking about someone. I mean, you should've seem Maia around Ben." Maia swatted his arm. "Ow!" He noticed Mal's eyes flash green and frowned. "Whoa, are you okay?"

"She's losing control," Carlos realized.

"What happens if she loses control?" Maia asked. "Wait, no, I'd rather not know."

Jane mentioned that the Cotillion was basically like being engaged, which caused Maia to panic. She knew it was, but the fact that it was looming closer and closer terrified her.

Ben appeared and Jane mentioned to Elias that Mal's surprise was almost finished and that Maia's gift was almost finished.

Elias walked up to Jane and said quietly, "Make sure the eyes are green."  He looked through vatious colors and chose a bright green.


In our dorm, Evie was dressing Chad for Cotillion.

Chad scrunched his eyebrows. "What about peacock feathers? Yeah, I bet you nobody's gonna have those at Cotillion."

Evie studied him. "Chad, when I look at you, all I can think of is... "king."

Chad gasped and smirked. "Do you agree, Thea?"

Elias pursed his lips and said in as an unconvincing tone a he could muster, "Oh, sure. It's got nothing on Auradon's king."

Chad smirked, my words completely going over his dimwitted brain. Oh, jeez! I've been hanging out with villain kids way too long.

Evie smiled. "And fake fur... Uh-huh... fake fur says it all."

"Loud and clear," Doug added.

Jay poked his head in the room and said, "Amphitheater in five!"

Chad frowned. "Why did the coach make him captain instead of me? I'm obviously better. King Chad, though. I do rather like that." He laughed. "You know who else would like that?"

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