Everyone gathered near Uma's ship near noon. "I'll get the swords," Jay said.

Lonnie nodded. "Okay."

"Lonnie!" Mal and Maia cried.

Lonnie looked at Mal and Maia. "I made them bring me."

Evie smiled at her. "Welcome to the Isle. It's good to see you."

Mal nodded. "I'm glad."

Lonnie returned her smile. "Thanks."

"And Dude," Jay added.

Carlos frowned at the dog who said, "I flunked Obedience Class."

"And he can still talk," Jay noted.

Carlos sighed. "You're lucky I love you."

Mal noticed the wand and said, "Ooo, let me see." She took it from Carlos. "Wow. What a beauty."

Jay looked at the time. "It's noon."

Mal looked at each of them. "All right, are we ready?"

Evie nodded. "Yeah."

"Let's do this," Mal and Maia replied.

Carlos turned back to the dog. "Stay! I mean it."

"Aww..." Dude groaned.

Maia noticed Ben and Elias's captors walking towards them. "Uh, guys?"

Gil's eyes widened. "Hey, guys! They're here!"

Harry walked up to the group. "Welcome."

"Finally," Uma exclaimed.

Maia narrowed my eyes. "Hi. We want our king and my brother, my boyfriend, and Mal's, back."

[It's Going Down]

Mal held the fake wand out to Uma.

Uma frowned. "Hold up. This is way too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We want to see it work."

Mal rolled her eyes. "You were always quite the drama queen."

"Oh, and nothing too big, or else Ben is fish bait."

"We're dead," Jay muttered.

"Okay," Mal and Maia agreed with a nod.

Maia glanced at Mal and flicked my eyes to Dude and she nodded.

Uma glared at Maia. "What did you say to her?"

Maia tilted her head. "Maybe you should get your hearing checked. I didn't say anything. But, it's really none of your concern anyway."

Uma rolled her eyes and Mal said, "Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Dude remained silent and Mal frowned. "Talk, dog!"

Dude looked at them. "Does this vest make me look fat? Does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"

The pirates started laughing and Uma narrowed her eyes. "Give me the wand!"

"Give me Ben and Elias!" Mal and Maia returned.

Uma glanced back. "Harry, bring them over."

Gil walked up to Ben and Elias. "Oh, um, before you go, tell your moms, your dad Elias, that Gaston and the Lord of the Underworld say hi."

Elias narrowed his eyes. "They're cowards. They need to grow up and forgive and forget."

"Cut 'em loose, Harry," Uma ordered.

Harry pouted, stepping over to Maia. "Aw, I never get to have any fun."

"Ben, Elias, go!" Mal and Maia cried.

Uma held up the wand. "By the power of the sea, tear it down and set us free!" Nothing happened. "No! You do not get to win every time! Get 'em!"

The pirates pulled out swords and Jay and Carlos tossed their friends swords for them to use.

Maia fought one of the pirate boys.

The boy was caught off-guard by a maneuver Maia did and she used the hilt of her sword to knock her to the ground.

Harry's hook was thrown into the water and Harry dived in to get it. "Uma!" Harry cried.

Carlos turned to Jay. "Jay! Go start the car!"

Evie nodded. "I'll meet you guys there!"

"Mal is mine!" Uma cried. "I'll take Maia too!"

"Hiya!" Harry said, waving.

"Kootchie-kootchie-koo," Ben and Elias taunted.

"Carlos!" Evie exclaimed. "Smoke bomb!" The air lit up with purple from the smoke bomb Evie threw. "Let's go, now. C'mon!"

Mal and Maia kicked off the bridge. Together, the group ran off as Uma yelled, "No! Ugh! Out of my way!"

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