Maia stood before reporters and photographers. She absolutely despised being the center of attention, but Evie had insisted she show off her dress, and wouldn't take no for an answer.

One reporter asked, "Maia, where did you get your dress? Is that another design by Evie?"

She nodded. "Uh, yeah, it is. I really like it."

The others boarded the boat for Cotillion. Carlos had gone with Jane. Elias smiled, glad he'd listened to his sister.

Elias made Mal jump by placing a hand on her shoulder. "Sorry. Are you okay?"

Mal nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay."

Our attention was drawn to the front as Lumiere said, "The future Lady Maia!"

The crowd clapped and Ben's parents took a moment to speak to Maia.

"Hi," Maia greeted.

"Hi," Queen Belle said. "Hey, Ben is on his way."


"And you look beautiful."

"Oh, thank you."

King Beast said, "I know we were shocked at first, but you -- you are exactly what Ben needs.
And lucky for me, she doesn't go by first impressions."

Maia nodded. "Of course."

Maia rejoined her friends and brother with a nervous smile.

Evie walked up to them and Mal and Maia smiled. "Hi."

"Hi," Evie replied. "How are you?"

"I sort of feel like I'm going to throw up," Maia admitted.

"That's okay. Look, we're right here with you, okay?"

Maia nodded as Mal smiled. "Okay."

"King Benjamin," Lumiere announced.

"Go get him," Evie and Mal encouraged.

Ben walked up to Maia and took her hands. "Maia, I wish I had time to explain."

He turned to where his parents were and Uma stepped out to face the crowd. Elias frowned, wondering what Uma could've done. If she hurt his sister, there would be some big problems.

"H-Hi," King Beast said.

Ben kissed the ring on Uma's hand before turning to Maia. "I'm sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma. A connection."

"What are you saying?" Maia asked with a frown.

Uma smiled. "It was love! It was. I just realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

Ben nodded. "We are."

"I know!"

"You're so beautiful."

Maia spoke in a broken voice. "Ben. Ben! You'd go back for her?"

Elias narrowed his eyes. He wanted to hurt Uma for what she'd done. He started walking forward and Mal placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head.

Uma shook her head. "He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed. And I'm an excellent swimmer-"

"Yes you are," Ben complimented.

"Thank you. Listen, Maia." Uma took Mal's hand. "I just, I really wanna thank you. For everything. Thank you so much."

He turned her. "Don't you see, Maia? You were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me you love me."

Ben and Uma started dancing to an instrumental version of Kiss the Girl.

Carlos scoffed. "Not too thrilled I risked my life for him."

Lonnie nodded. "We're with you, Maia."

"Let's get out of here," Jay decided.

A sob escaped Maia's lips. "Oh. Okay."

Mal glanced at Maia. "Are you okay?"

Maia nodded slowly, then shook her head. "Um, no."

The five started walking away with Maia and Jane suddenly cried, "Lumiere, unveil the gifts! They need to see it!"

"And now!" Lumiere called. "For the unveiling of King Ben and Elias's masterpieces! Designed especially for their Ladies."

The curtain fell from the canvas to reveal Mal in a light purple dress with green eyes, Elias kneeling and looking up at her in awe. Another canvas was revealed. Maia was in a dark purple Grecian dress, looking at Ben while Ben looked adoringly at her.

Maia's mouth gaped. "Ben did that?"

Evie and Mal nodded. "Yeah. He did."

Mal smiled at Elias. "Yours of me looks amazing too."

Maia turned to her brother and friends. "Mal, Evie, Ben's seen me all along."

Evie smiled. "He loves the real you. Just like Elias loves the real Mal."

"A true love."

Carlos smirked. "Told you."

Mal glanced at Elias and smiled, taking his hand.

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