Mal and Maia relayed what had happened with Uma and Evie frowned. "There's no way we are going to give Uma the wand. We can't just let her destroy Auradon."

Carlos nodded. "If Uma doesn't get the wand, then Ben and Thea are toast, guys."

Evie frowned. "Right, so we're going to give Uma, of all people, the wand?"

Mal's eyes widened. "Wait! You guys! Your 3D printer!"

Carlos grinned. "A phony wand!"

Mal met his eyes. "You could do that, right?"

"In my sleep!"

Evie brought the whole mood down. "Right, and the second Uma tests it, she'll know it's fake."

Maia shrugged. "Well, okay, so we just get Ben and Elias out really fast. Get some kind of diversion."

"Smoke bombs!" Jay cried.

Evie nodded. "That's perfect! I'll get the chemicals you need from Lady Tremaine's place! That could work! Oh, and sick hair, by the way. Evil stepmom really stepped up her game!"

Mal smirked before she said, "Can I tell you something? Dizzy did this."

Evie's eyes widened. "Little Dizzy? Shut. Up."

Mal grinned. "I know. I'm like, loving it. It's like, a lot lighter."

Jay coughed into his hand. "Ahem."

"Hello," Carlos added.

They turned back towards them and Mal nodded. "Right. Carlos, Jay, you guys meet us at Pirates Bay no later than noon. And you guys? Losing? Not an option. 'Cause we're rotten-"

"To the core," the VKs finished in sync.

Maia shook her head. "I'm not saying that."

While the boys went one way, Evie, Maia and Mal headed back to Dizzy's. She grinned when she saw who was with them. "Evie? Evie! You came back!"

Evie smiled and hugged Dizzy. "Hi."

Mal smirked. "Hey -- Hey, so good to see you too."

Dizzy looked between the girls. "Is it all like we imagined? Do they really have closets that they can walk into? Have you ever gone inside a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?"

Evie laughed. "It's cold and it's sweet, and if you eat it too fast, it gives you a headache."

Dizzy's eyes widened. "Really?"


"I saved your sketchbook for you!"

Evie smiled. "You did? Dizzy! Oh my gosh! Wow." She opened the sketchbook. "I made this dress out of an old curtain and safety pins."

Dizzy grinned. "It reminds me of the gown that you made for Mal when she met Jasmine."

"I spilled curry all over it," Mal stated bluntly.

Evie and Maia nodded. "You did."

Dizzy cracked a smile. "Yeah, I saw that."

Evie turned back to the hairpiece. "You're totally right, Dizzy. This was totally the inspiration."

"I knew it! You can take the girl out of the Isle, but you can't take the Isle out of the girl."

While Mal and Maia grabbed stuff for the smoke bombs, Evie held a heart to a hairpiece. "Is this too much? Or is this fabulous?"

Dizzy grinned. "Hand me the glue gun!"

After Dizzy finished, Evie asked, "Got it?"

Mal and Maia nodded. "Got it."

Evie studied what her friends had grabbed. "That makes five smoke bombs."

Mal frowned. "Okay, I think that's enough, right?"

"Yeah," Evie replied. "M, Maia, how amazing would this look with my shredded tee and my heart purse?"

"Very amazing."

"Take it!" Dizzy cried. "Take a bunch!"

Evie smiled at her. "Oh, Dizzy! Oh my gosh! Thank you!"

Dizzy looked up at her. "It would make me so happy that you were wearing something of mine in Auradon, almost like being there myself."

Evie smiled sadly at her. "I really wish I could take you with me."

Dizzy shrugged. "At least one of us had our dream come true, right?"

Evie nodded. "Yeah."

Mal looked at her. "E, we gotta go."


Mal glanced at her. "She's going to be okay."

"Yeah, but she could be so much more."

"Let's go."

Maia's expression fell as she looked around. They truly had it rough, and someone as sweet as Dizzy deserved so much better.

The girls made their way back to the loft and Mal and Evie reminisced on memories.

Mal grinned. "That one was epic. That one went on for actual days!"

"Like it matters, right?" Evie asked sarcastically.

"Undone by true love's kiss."

Evie grinned and they both said, "Works every time! Ha ha ha."

Evie then turned to Mal. "I really thought that's what you and Elias had. And what Maia and Ben had. Do either of you want to talk about it?"

Mal shook her head. "I'm not coming back, Evie. I can't! I really tried to tell you, but I mean, I saw the way your face lit up when we walked in those dorm rooms for the first time. I couldn't spoil that for you."

Evie pursed her lips before saying, "If you're staying, then I'm staying too."

Mal turned to her. "Evie, you're an Auradon girl... and I'm, I'll always be the girl from the Isle."

Maia shook her head. "You're so much more than that, Mal. You've grown, and the fact that you can't see that... I wish you could."

Mal threw a rock and it hit the sign. They walked up the stairs and remained silent for a moment before Mal and Evie began to sing.

[Space Between]

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