Evie informed Maia and Mal that Ben and Elias had been captured. Mal yelled, "If you guys hadn't brought them here, this never would've happened. What were you thinking?!"

Evie frowned. "They were going to come with or without us. We just wanted to protect them."

Carlos sighed. "Yeah, and we completely blew it."

"Okay!" Jay yelled. "What are we going to do?"

Mal narrowed her eyes at him. "We, are not going to do anything. This is between Uma and me. And she's a punk! And guess what?! Now, I have to go get them!"

Maia crossed her arms. "I'm going too."


"Don't you dare. My twin brother and my boyfriend are missing! I'm saving them!"

Carlos frowned. "Whoa, Mal. You're still going to have to go through Harry Hook and his warf rats."

Jay nodded. "Yeah, you're going to need us."

"Uma said for me to come alone," Mal reminded them. "And I guess I have to take Maia since I know she'll follow."

"Mal, come on," Evie tried.

Carlos shook his head. "She said for her to come alone. I know one thing. I'm not going anywhere." He sat on the couch.

Jay looked up at Mal. "We'll be here when you get back."


Mal and Maia made their way to Ursula's restaurant and heard Uma yell, "Life ain't fair!"

Mal pushed the doors open and sing-songed, "I'm baaaack!"

Uma frowned at her. "Loser, party of two. Right this way please. Thought I told you to come alone."

Mal sat in the chair Uma gave her and wrinkled her nose. "Place still stinks. She would've followed."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're down a butler today, princess."

"Hire a new one," Maia shot back as she sat. "Where are they?"

Uma smirked, looking at Mal. "You know, I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook."

Mal also smirked. "I'm so flattered that you dreamed of me. I haven't given you a thought since I left."

Uma narrowed her eyes at her. "Obviously. You have the perfect little life, don't you? Doesn't she have the perfect little life? While we're 20 years in a garbage strike."

Mal rolled her eyes. "Listen, if you have some kind of a score to settle with us, game on! I see no need to bring Ben and Elias into this."

"It may be unnecessary, but, ugh, it is so much fun. Here's the deal-"

"Just like your mother. Always a catch."

Mal sat across from Uma at a table, elbows on the table. Uma smirked. "If you win, Ben and Elias are free to go. Hmm? Don't you want to know what I get if I win?"

"Still dreaming," Mal said lazily.

"Last time I checked, your mother thought she had all things sewn up too. How'd that work out for her again?"

"On three."



"Three," the two of them said.

Mal was winning as Uma said, "You know, that whole princess act? Ugh, never bought it for a second. You can stick a tiara on a villain, but you're still a villain."

Mal's eyes narrowed. "And you can slap a pirate hat on, but you're still Shrimpy."

Uma frowned. "If I win, you two bring me the wand. Now, if you two want beastie-boy and half-demigod back, bring me Fairy Godmother's magic wand. My ship, tomorrow at noon. Sharp. Oh, and if either of you you blab, you can kiss your babies goodbye."

Mal's eyes flashed and Uma seized the opportunity and ended up winning.

Maia let out a groan, glaring at Uma.

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