6) Card Games

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I had been going to Aris's room every other night for about four or five years now. He could be talkative when he wanted, and we learned a lot from each other. He taught me history and the terrible things that have happened though that's usually not brought up. He'll tell me about the latest book he's reading, and I'll read a few chapters with him. I snuck cards into his room to teach him Go Fish before escalating to War. He caught on quickly, and I was constantly fighting for my title.

"You have to be cheating. How can you win against the person who taught you the game?"I complained.

"It's your fault. You taught me the tricks,"He reminded me. It was true. Not even Luna knew some of them, but I wouldn't tell him that.

"I had to give you some advantage,"I told him.

"How's that working out for you?"He asked, grinning.

"Terrible, horrifyingly horrific, bad enough to be considered a felony. Should I go on?"I deadpanned.

"You don't know how serious felony's are, do you?"He asked.

"Serious enough to be compared to this,"I shot back.

He softly laughed as I attempted to glare at him. I say attempted because soon I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from being to loud. Times like this were my favorite. We were both just kids having a good time. There wasn't the usual fear lingering over me, or the stress he's told me about. Days like this made waiting to see him so much harder, but it also made the time we spent together feel special.

"You're infuriating Aris Jones. You truly are,"I said, calling him by his full name like I always do when I was messing with him. I loved the way it sounded. If I'm being honest I loved a lot of him. I feel like I know him as well as I know myself. He can read me better than anyone else. He can tell how I'm feeling before I can. Most of the time I can do the same.

Then, there were times like this. When we were so close together, and I felt like I was floating on air. Sometimes I wish he couldn't read me the way he does because he could figure out how I really feel. He could figure out that I see him as more than a friend, and that can't happen. I'd rather have him in my life with the little bit of pain that comes with it than not have him at all.

"What are you thinking about?"He asked softly.

You. You're all I seem to think about.

I looked at him. There was so much I could say. I could get this off my chest, and maybe find out he feels the same way. I wonder what his hands would feel like in mine.

"Nothing,"I settled on. I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"Are you sure Y/N? You seem a bit off,"He said, pushing a lock of hair behind my ear. I resisted the urge to lean into him. Is it normal for one person to affect you this much? I don't know, but it somehow feels right.

"It's just some friendship problems. Nothing to do with you."

At least one of those is true.

"Speaking of that there's something I want to tell you,"He said. I pushed down the what if scenerios running though my head in case I'm wrong.

"What is it Aris?"I asked.

He opened his mouth to say something when the sharp click of heels against the floor were heard. We looked at each other in panic. There was no time for the vent, and his room didn't have any hiding spaces.

It did have a bed though. My pillow method works, but can I squeeze myself down enough for it to reverse? I'm going to have to find out because the click clack of the shoes are getting closer to the door.

I rushed to his bed and shoved myself as close to the wall as possible barely willing myself to breath. Aris was just as nervous as he hid the cards behind a book and pulled one out. We made it right on time as there was a knock on the door.

"Mr.Jones. It's just Doctor Ava. Can I come in?"She asked him, though we both knew it wasn't a question.

"Yes ma'am,"He answered quickly. The metal of her badge was heard as she placed it on the lock on the door. Once it gave up it's soft beep the door opened, and she stepped inside.

"Mr.Jones, you're supposed to be in bed. What are you doing up this late?"She interegated, in a fake friendly voice.

"I was just looking over some notes Ms.Paige,"He responded. She chuckled at him like he was some silly kid. We're anything but kids, and people like her are the reason for it.

"We all appreciate your initiative, but if you don't get some rest you'll burn yourself up. Curl up into bed and get some shut eye."
I could hear Aris slowly slide the book into my shelf as if it would make her leave. She didn't budge.

He slowly got into the bed as far away from me that wasn't suspicious. "Goodnight Mr.Jones. I'll see you tomorrow."

She finally left, and neither of us dared move for a long time. Eventually my neck started to cramp, and I had to turn it.

"How much time do we have left?"I asked. I could see the glow of his watch.

"We still have four hours. We can't turn the lights on though."

"Sorry, but can I um, get on the bed? My neck's starting to hurt,"I asked nervously.

"Yes,"He told me. I made my way out of the wall and into the covers. It was a small space so I was curled next to him.

I don't know where it came from but I reached out for his hand in the dark. He placed it in mine gently running his thumb over the my knuckles. I didn't go feel embarrassed like I thought I would. If felt natural, as if I'd been doing it my whole life.

Aris turned on his side, and I followed suit not letting go of his hand. They were right on his pillow. His face was so close to mine I could almost see his chest rising and falling in the dark.

"Y/N, I have something to tell you, and I think you know what it is."

"Say it."

"I'm in love with you."

Love. I didn't think of it like that, but it describes everything perfectly.

"I'm in love with you too Aris,"I finally said. It once again felt so natural to say. Everything feels right with him. Maybe that's what love truly is. When one person makes everything make sense. It's when you look forward to spending every minute with them even if you aren't doing anything. It's being able to read them like no one else.

It's everything I have with him.

"Y/N, will you be mine?"He asked.

"Only if you're mine,"I answered. Even through the dark I knew he was grinning like an idiot. Except now he was my idiot.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Day two Janson."
"Three days for her and four days for him."
"Why does she matter so much?"
"I want her to know the truth. I'll get to make an interesting comparison."

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