15) The Protector and The Protected

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She was leading us somewhere with a ton of stairs. I did my best not to let them see me leaning against the wall. So far it wasn't going to bad.

Then, it did. We came to a particular steep step, and I visibly winced. No one else was next to me besides the one person I specifically never wanted to accept help from.

"Yeah, that's not going to work,"He stated. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculousness of that. I was doing okay on my own.

"It's been working just fine,"I pointed out.

"Nice try,"He said, putting my arm around his shoulder.

"I'm not helpless,"I reminded him.

"I know. I just don't want you to fall down the stairs."

I could hear the guilt in his voice, and I knew exactly what this was about.
"I told you it's fine. I'm not going to tell anyone. I don't care enough about it. Stop trying to make it up to me."

"I'm not-"
"Aris, are you forgetting how long I've known you? I've seen all of you. The excited, the happy, the playful, the angry, the upset, and I've definitely heard and seen your guilty side so-"
"I'm not going to stop trying. You looked so familiar when I saw you. I knew I recognized your face from somewhere. It felt like we met in another life, and in a way we did."

I didn't know what to say to that so I didn't say anything. We were silent until we got to the top of the stairs.

"You're all going to meet Jorge,"She told us. I tried to pull my arm away, but Aris was determined to keep it there.

"You know what else you still are? Stubborn."

"That's nice,"He said, not reacting.

"I beg to differ."

"What was your story? Second chance? Love at first sight?"The girl asked.

"What's your best personality trait? Assuming things?"I said, glaring at her. I could tell by her face she didn't think to highly of me.

"Hey Jorge. I found these kids hanging out with our friends below,"She said as she opened the door.

"It's kind of you to bring them up Brenda,"He thanked her. Behind us I heard the door close. Something about this was wrong. Just these people in general made me uneasy.

In the corner were three or four men that looked like they could snap out necks with one hand.

"I have three questions. Who are you, where are you coming from, and where are you going?"

"We come from another planet, we're going back there, and we're wondering why we should tell you that,"I answered, looking straight at him. I could tell this had really pissed him off.

"She's got an attitude. I'd be careful with her,"Brenda spoke up. Why'd she talk about me like I was some kind of threat? I was just telling them to screw off in the kindest way possible.

"Maybe we should just hear him out,"Thomas suggested. I can't believe the one who got us into this mess was still suggesting things.

"I don't trust this shank,"Minho said, making sure everyone could hear.

"We're just trying to find Right Arm,"Thomas admitted. This wasn't going to end well.

"Right Arm is as good as ghosts hermanos. You're not going to find them."

I don't know why, but something about the way he said it made it seem like he was lying. He was hiding something huge.
"Answer the other two,"He demanded. No one said anything more.

From behind Thomas a man shoved him to his knees before pulling out a device and scanning his neck. He looked like he discovered gold.

"Look,"He said, handing Jorge the device. For a second I swore there was a glint of excitement in his eyes. I didn't like it, and I didn't like seeing him happy. He's definitely going to do something horrible.

"You're from WICKED,"He stated. Someone asked how, and I resisted the urge to remind them we had time to deny it.

"Thomas, Subject A2, To be killed by Maze B."

"Excuse me?"He asked. Jorge ignored it and handed to man back the device.

"Scan the others,"He demanded.

"This one's Minho, Subject A7, The Leader."

It was almost terrifying how accurate that sounded. Minho just had something that showed he wasn't a follower.

"Newt, Subject A5, The Glue."

"Stop saying subjects. We aren't some lab rats,"Newt spat.

"Cool name over here. I've never met a Siggy. He's subject A14, The Heart."

All of this was weird. We had just escaped WICKED. Why would we still have these marks from them?

"Teresa Anges is a suspicious one. Subject A1, The Betrayer."

Now they had to making this up. She was far from a betrayer. She had been nice and trying to talk to me. I just didn't want to speak to anyone. I couldn't see her as someone that would purposely hurt others.

I felt the man come behind Aris and I. He pushed me down, and I tried not to let the pain show on my face.

"Be careful,"Aris snapped.

"Don't Aris. It's fine,"I said through gritted teeth. I was directly on that ankle, and it wasn't going to do any favors for it to heal.

"Hers is an odd one. We got a Y/N, Subject C1, The Partners Protected. Looks like we got to look out for someone around this one."

"Check this out. Aris Jones, Subject B1, The Partners Protector."

"Are you done?!"Minho snapped.

My mind felt blurry. Had WICKED known about those nights? They had to have put these on before all of this. Why was he my protector? Shouldn't it have at least been the other way around? He hurt me first. I only did it back so he would stop. The situations were drastically different.

"You are all quite valuable if you're alive. I know the perfect space for you."

"Far away from here where we can never see your shuckface again?"Minho asked, hopefully.

"This is much better hermano. You all know what to do. Take them to a place they can hang out."

What the hell did they mean? Where they actually going to hang us? That's a terrible way to die.

One of them threw me over his shoulder like I was nothing. I didn't even try to fight it because I knew it was hopeless.

"Hey, watch out for the hair,"Minho complained. At least if we do die we'll have some funny commentary.

The man holding me hostage threw Aris over his back. He looked at me, and I stared at the ugly orange wall.

A pain went though my ankle as it was slammed against the door on the way out. I had to remind myself to never listen a to a single thing Thomas has to say.

"I told you to be careful,"Aris snapped.

"That's the least of our problems right now. Let's just sit back and think of something later,"I sighed.

"Yeah but-"
"Aris, we're going to figure it out. Just breathe,"I whispered. He didn't look any less anxious.

"Fine. I know something that used to help you. Give me your hand,"I instructed. He looked at me hesitantly. I didn't put mine down.

Slowly but surely he put his hand in mine.

"Now what?"

"Just wait, okay?"

I could feel him calming down. I lightly squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back. It was the same we always had.

And you feel the same way you always did.

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