9) Goodbye's and Hello's

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"Y/N. Pst, Y/N,"Luna whispered from above me.

"What?"I asked curiously. Usually I was the one with a weird sleep schedule.

"You know how you explore the vents?"She asked eagerly.

"You want to go in the vents, don't you?"I asked smugly.

"Fine. I want to explore the vents. I want to explore a new place though. It'll be our own friendship space,"She pleaded.

I pretended I was in deep thought for a moment just to be annoying. "Please Y/N. Don't torment me by pretending to think about it,"She begged.

"I love how you know what I'm doing but are still bothered,"I said, satisfied with my torture.

"I've made my decision. Be quiet when you get down and do exactly as I say. I'm going to get the stop watch,"I instructed, crawling under my bed.

"Stop watch?"She asked while helping me remove the vent.

"It's a gift from Aris. I almost didn't make it back one time. He managed to snag one somehow,"I explained. I could see from her face that she obviously still has a distaste for him, but she didn't say anything.

"Have you ever been anywhere besides his room?"She questioned.

"No. I never bothered,"I told her.

"Why?"She asked, pointing left.

"Because. Now hush. One wrong move, and WICKED will know,"I whispered.

"Turn right. There's a cool door,"She whispered, looking down. Her excitement was amusing.

"Okay. You have to be silent though. I don't know if there are people in there,"I explained. She got the memo because she just followed me to the room.

"Woah,"She said, looking down. It was woah indeed. There was a set of computers setting up some place outside. We saw little models of labyrinths and strange creatures. Something about this place was off. Why would need things like that in such an advanced place?

I was about to suggest we go back when WICKED workers came in. I looked at Luna in panic and slowly backed away from the vent but was still close enough to see.

"So far it's going okay. There are four kids you have to know about. Thomas and Teresa Agnes are partners here while Rachel and Aris Jones work together,"Ava told the lady. Now I couldn't go back. I had to know more about this.

"What do they do?"She asked.

"It's simple really. You've heard about the Maze Trials, correct?"Ava asked her. The lady nodded her head.

"We're setting up telepathy between the partners and eventually all of them. They're working on the obstacles with us. They're going to study the other subjects Killzone patterns,"Ava responded like she was talking about the weather.

"Why are they the only ones?"The lady asked.

"Variables. That's why we're wiping their memories. To some it seems cruel, but we'll sort out the strong from the weak. Our hope is that most make it out."

Luna grabbed my shoulder so I would go, but I shook my head no. I had to know about everything going on.

"The four main subjects are in Group A and Group B. They'll watch everything on these screens. They'll help gather information and help us figure out how their brains are different. Of course not all are immune. As I've said before. We need variables,"She repeated.

I couldn't listen to any more. After everything he promised he lied to me. I was going to be a lab rat in something he helped set up.

I looked back at Luna and gestured for her to go back. She understood and slowly went back until we could turn. We didn't speak until we were back in our beds.

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