8) Just Five Minutes

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I hadn't seen Aris in a while. It had been two months and one week to be exact. I tried not to keep count, but it's hard when that's all you've thought about for years. There were several times I wanted to go back to his room and pretend nothing happened. I couldn't do that though especially since I don't even know what happened.

"Y/N, snap out of it. It's been months now. You have to forget him,"Luna urged.

"I'd like to,"I told her. It wasn't the complete truth. I thought about the night we met a lot. He truly made me feel safe. Things just made sense when he was with me. We didn't have to be doing anything for it to feel special. Now I felt incomplete.

"Luna. Do you think I did something wrong?"I asked. She looked like she was debating slapping or hugging me.

"Why? What could you have possibly done wrong?"She asked, shocked.

"I don't know. I ignored how he was acting. It was easier to pretend I didn't know,"I muttered.

"What was so special about him that you would keep thinking about him? You never really told me what happened. Maybe if you talked about it you'd feel better,"She suggested, rubbing my back.

"It's everything really. It's hard to describe,"I said.

"Try,"She urged.

"I felt like I could tell him anything, and you should have seen how he looked at me. It was like I was the only thing that mattered. Every time he said he loved me I felt like time froze. When he held my hand I felt strong. He knew how I was feeling before I did. He wanted to know everything that was happening. Just the thought of him could make me smile."

"And what happened in the end? What changed? Be honest to. Take off the rose colored glasses."

They're the only good part of him you have left.

"You're not going to get over him if you keep them on,"She pushed. I knew she was right.

"I don't know. He wouldn't look at me. He was distracted and distant. He didn't reach out first like he used to. He didn't look excited when he saw me. He stopped talking to me. I thought I was losing my mind for a bit."

"Anything else? I know there's more you want to say."

"I still miss him Luna. I miss when he called me his girl. I miss getting to call him mine. I want him back,"I choked out. My chest was heavy. I felt so drained.

"I don't want to say goodbye Luna. I didn't want it to be our last night,"I whispered through sobs.

"You don't miss him. You miss who he was. You miss how he made you feel. You don't really miss him,"She said.

She's wrong. You'll always miss him.

"This hurts Luna. Why does it hurt so bad?"I whimpered, trying to cover my sobs. She pulled me in for a hug.

"Shh. I know it hurts honey. I don't know how, but I know it does. But you know what?"She asked, stroking my hair.

"What?"I asked, not looking up.

"I know you're going to be okay."

"Maybe. I'm tired Luna. I'm going to go to sleep,"I mumbled, yawning for extra effect.

"I'm sure. I'll see you in the morning,"She responded gently.

"And Y/N?"


"Don't do anything rash or impulsive. Really get some sleep this time."

"Yeah,"I said, closing my eyes. I probably wouldn't get much sleep, but I had to at least try.


I eventually gave up on trying to fall asleep and stared at the ceiling. I settled for counting how many tiles there were. I got to about four hundred and fifty six when there was a noise below my bunk. I must just be really sleep deprived.

There it was again. Nobody else seemed to hear anything, but they were also dead asleep. Should I go check it out? It could be just a mouse or something freaking me out. I'd rather know than let it be up to my imagination to decide.

I looked below and nearly screamed when someone looked back at me. More specifically when Aris looked back at me.

"What the hell Aris?"I asked still jumpy.

"I just wanted to talk to you. Give me five minutes,"He pleaded.

"Okay. Give me one second. If Luna sees me she'll kill me and you,"I told him, setting up the pillow. Then, I went under the vent with him.

The vent was already cramped with one person. Two people side by side was a whole different ball game.

"WICKED's being stranger than normal. They had me and this girl named Rachel in one room. They're making us practice telepathy. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling they're going to have us do something bad soon. Whatever it was I didn't want you worried,"He explained in one breath.

"You're an idiot Aris. You think I wasn't worried when you were being all weird?"I asked.

"They've been doing weird stuff again. You're somewhat vengeful, and you worry about everything. I was trying to avoid stressing you out."

"Aris Jones you're an idiot sometimes,"I said with the playful tone he was used to hearing.

"I know,"He mumbled.

"But you're my idiot,"I added, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry,"He said again.

"Aris. It's okay now. Just tell me next time something happens. I'd rather know a hard truth than feel like I'm losing my mind,"I explained.

"I will. From now on no more secrets,"He promised.

"Cross my heart and hope to die?"I asked, sticking out my pinkie.

"Cross my heart and hope to die,"He repeated, wrapping his pinkie around mine.

"Janson, Chancellor Paige wants the job done sooner."
"Tell her you can't rush these things."
"I did. She said that they're to close to our trails."
"Fine. Tomorrow we cram the last two memories in her. Then, we bring the the last ones that truly matter."

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