23) Interrogation Time

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For the most part the ride was tense. Even when someone was talking it was clear they weren't focused on any conversation mentally. I don't blame them one bit. If one of my close friends was missing I'd be just as worried. Just in a different way. If I'm being honest even I'm scared we won't find Thomas and Brenda. I mean Thomas had been through this hell with us. Brenda had shot someone and untied us, successfully saving out lives.

"Are you okay?"Aris asked quietly.

"Yeah. I just really hope they're here,"I admitted.

"They will be. We'll get them back in time,"He assured me, though it did nothing to calm my nerves.

"It's going to be okay, and if they're not here we'll keep looking. Everything is going to turn out fine"He repeated. I nodded, but I didn't really believe him. Judging from the look on his face he could see right through me.

"It's going to be fine. We'll get them, go to the Safe Haven, and live a real life,"He promised, taking my hand in his before lightly squeezing it. I did the same back like always.

He remembers.

Yeah. He does.

"Okay. This is as far as I'm taking you guys,"Aphrodite announced, stopping right outside a town. This must be where we need to be then.

"Thank you for backtracking. Stay safe out there. Don't get eaten,"Jorge said as he hopped off. I guess that's one way to say goodbye.

We all hopped off giving our own thanks as we did. She just gave us a salute before heading off to who knows where.

We all stood there for a minute before turning to look at the town. It wasn't something I remembered. Maybe, I would in the future though I doubt I want to. There were a bunch of run down houses and shacks. Even from the entrance I could smell something burning. Why anyone would want a fire in the sun is a mystery, but to each their own.

"I guess we just go find Marcus and his weird club. What's he look like anyway?"Minho asked.

"Trust me. When you see the club you'll know who he is. He loves attention,"Jorge shrugged.

"Okay. How will we know when we see the club? You haven't given us much to go off of,"He pointed out.

"You'll know that to. Come on. People don't take kindly to you so keep your head low,"He warned.

"Kindly to what?"I questioned.

"You know, immunes,"He whispered like he was a child saying a cuss word. Except, we don't even know which of us are immune. Everyone seemed to share this thought as we stared at the ground, the air suddenly full of sorrow.

"What? Are you kids alright?"He asked.

"Yeah. We're fine,"Newt sighed.

"Listen. Nobody will really be able to tell-"
"I said we're fine. Let's find Tommy and Brenda. I'd like to get to the bloody Safe Haven when I'm still breathing."

That was another shared thought as we all walked further into the town. We all followed Jorge's lead, almost walking single file.

"Can you please walk like normal people?"Jorge said in a hushed voice.

"I'm sorry. Is walking on our feet not good enough? Do normal people walk on their heads or something?"I responded. Did he forget that none of us know what the hell this is? Then again he may not even know about our memories having been wiped. I'm sure WICKED keeps what they do under lock and key.

"Just act natural. You look like I'm kidnapping you."

"I mean it's not as if you could ever have any experience with that,"I shrugged.

A Beautiful Distraction(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now