20) Consequences

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It turns out having to be near a bunch of strangers all day means you end up talking to them. Especially, if you've gone from running and fighting for your lives to chilling in the desert, plotting a rescue mission.

It also turns out I don't exactly hate being forced to spend time with them. I don't know why that surprised me as much as it did. I even let Teresa help me wrap my ankle and hands. If you would have told me I'd be sitting on a rock enjoying and genuinely having a good time with them, less than 12 hours ago, I would have called you crazy.

"So you seriously didn't have any slang?"Minho asked for the thousandth time.

"No. We collectively thought it was stupid. So what if we cussed? It's not the end of the world."

"The words are fun to make though. Newt and I came up with them,"He said. I glanced over at Newt.

"Minho cursed to much. It was getting bugging irritating."

"That right there. Why would you say bugging? That probably confused the hell out of the Newbies,"I pointed out.

"You seriously said Newbies, and you called yourself the Mazer's? That's so shucking lame,"Minho remarked.

"That's pretty fucking rude of you,"I replied, watching the clear awkwardness on Newt's face. "It is true though,"I added as an afterthought.

"Look. Newt has turned totally red. It looks like we don't need to be dying for you to be funny,"Minho commented. I rolled my eyes and gave a pretend irritated look. "You can't say I'm wrong,"He said, putting his hands up in fake surrender.

"Hey,"Aris greeted, sitting beside me. I didn't mind that either. Even when Teresa was on the other side it didn't feel as odd as I thought it would. It sounds more insane than anything else, but even Jorge was somewhat okay. Despite that and him never planning to actually sell us out I kept a close eye on him. You can never be to careful.

"Does she have food? I'm hungry,"Frypan asked.

"It's the Cook in you, isn't it? You're probably thinking of making tasteless stew,"Minho joked. At least, it seemed like that.

"It's probably better than Carol's. That girl added way too many spices."

"You all talk like you've know each other for years,"Jorge said. I ignored the heat creeping up on the back of my neck. Still, my eyes accidentally landed on Aris who was looking right back at me. I averted my gaze and fixated on a random rock on the ground.

"Look at that. The Partners are sneaking glances at each other yet again. Just what happened last night. Should we be worried for nine months?"Minho teased. I sent him a cold glare.

"No one's looking at anyone,"I defended.
"I don't know. I've been seeing some blushing faces."

"Newt, can you do me a favor?"I asked.
"Maybe. I have a feeling it involves violence."
"It does. Can you give Minho a good smack on the head? I don't want to move,"I explained. He shook his head no, but Frypan did it for me. I toasted an imaginary glass to him. He toasted one right back.

"Finally. There she is,"Jorge announced. We all looked up and a girl in the quietest car ever was standing before us.

"You never told me we'd have others. Who are they?"She asked.

"There's been a change of plans. Brenda's gone, and she's with one of their friends. We need to get to Scorch City,"He explained.

She looked between us all, and I finally got a good look at her. I'm not going to lie. She was absolutely stunning. Long black hair cascaded down her back. It was tousled but still full and layered somehow. She had beautiful emerald eyes and tan and clear skin. Tall and gorgeous, she lived up to her name. I couldn't help but look down at myself. Dirt and even some dried blood littered my skin. I subconsciously felt my hair. Specks of blood from where I hit my head managed to stick there too.

"That's an intense story. Still, I've been driving all day and night. I definitely need a break."

I looked back up at her. I hadn't even realized the story had been explained to her.

"I'll drive,"Jorge offered.

"There's no way I'd be able to sleep with all the bumps. I'm going to be a mess if I don't get any."

"Fine. We leave tomorrow though."

"Fair enough. Are you all going to introduce yourselves?"She asked, taking a seat beside Aris. Like really close to him. I felt something bubbling in the pit of my stomach.

It's jealousy. You're jealous because you have feelings for him.

That's ridiculous. I don't have feelings for him. Those were gone years ago.

"I'm Newt."

"I'm Minho, but you can call me yours."

Everyone groaned at his bad flirting attempt, but she didn't even react.

"You're far from my type. What's your name?"


"My name's Teresa."

"Y/N,"I said, almost mumbling. Why the hell would I mumble to such simple question?

Jealous. You are so clearly jealous and scared. You even feel threatened.

Shut up. I'm not threatened of jealous or any of that bullcrap.

"I'm Aris."

"What a nice name. It suits you."

I don't know. It suits you to much to make fun of you for it.
It does?
Yes Aris Jones. Your last name does suit you.

"Thanks. I like your name too."

I'm not jealous.

You're jealous.

I'm not jealous.

You're definitely jealous.

I am not fucking jealous.

You are so clearly obviously jealous and in denial.

Fuck you.

If you're debating with yourself in your head you're trying to convince yourself of something. You are trying to convince yourself you're not jealous.

"Aw. Thank you love."

I'm jealous.

I know.

Dammit. Now what do I do?

I guess the answer is crystal clear. I'm not supposed to do anything but sit back and pretend I don't care. Maybe I can even pretend I don't notice. He isn't mine anymore. I made that clear from the start. Even before I found out the truth I basically said I wanted nothing to do with him. I double played myself.

Now I am facing one of the most painful consequences, and I have to pretend my heart isn't already hurting.

A Beautiful Distraction(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now