12) The Killzone

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The fireside was completely silent. What was there to say? 'Someone wasn't immune so we let him kill himself. That means any of us could be capable of having the flare. Anyways how was your day?'

It wouldn't have mattered if there was anything to say. No amount of talking could change what had happened and what we knew. There was too much to process. The truth was we really didn't know what the hell we were doing out here.

"That could be any of us,"Teresa spoke up. The already tense air seemed to have worsened.

"I thought we were all immune?"Thomas asked, still in disbelief at the whole situation.

"Apparently not. Would it be a shock if being immune wasn't even possible?"I asked.

"If their entire goal is to capture people who are immune why would they even take him?"Frypan asked.

"Variables,"I mumbled, remembering what Ava said to the new nurse.

"Variables?"Newt asked.

"When WICKED took me they gave me my memories,"I explained, staring at the fire.

"Do you remember anything else?"Thomas asked hesitantly.

"There was something about a Killzone,"I said, not daring to look at anyone. Especially not at Aris.

"It was supposed to help with the disease. They call it the Flare. They're looking for a cure,"Teresa added.

"They're never going to find one."

And if they do find one we'll all be slaughtered at their hands.

"Maybe we should try to get some sleep,"Minho suggested. A few people nodded in agreement, and a few stayed still as if hypnotized by the flames in front of us.


One by one more and more people went to sleep until there was only one other person. I had a feeling I knew who it was, but I didn't look at him.

"I couldn't leave you there,"Aris spoke up.

"It's over now, isn't it? That's all there is to it,"I said in a monotone voice while staring at the fading fire.

"You remember a bit more than a Killzone, don't you?"

He can still read you.

"Does it even matter?"I asked.

"What do you remember?"He asked softly.

He used to always use that voice with you. He used to sound like that when he told you he loved you.

"You don't want to know."

"Does it have to do with WICKED?"He pushed.

"Sure,"I shrugged.

The only sounds that could be heard in the night air was crickets. It was something I never thought I'd hear, and I was grateful to not be completely alone in my thoughts. That little bit of noise was better than nothing. All I had to do was pretend those sounds were my only problem. Even when I was sitting still I found a way to run from my problems.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you out sooner,"He said, close to a whisper. I couldn't find it in me to say anything back.

"I'm going to sleep. You should try to get some rest,"He suggested. There was a lump in my throat.

"Goodnight Y/N,"He sighed, before walking a few feet off. Once it was to dark for him to see I let the silent tears fall down my face.


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