10) Just Run

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The outside world wasn't what I expected. The winds felt cruel as they blew sand into my eyes making me have to squint to see anything. From behind us WICKED had already sent out a a search party.

"Come on. Down there,"Someone said, pointing towards an old abandoned building at the end of the hill. I tried not to fall as I slid down with the rest of them.

Near the bottom was a window nearly buried below the ground and completely shattered. Pieces of rigged glass were sticking out every which way threatening to cut us if we moved just an inch the wrong way.

Everyone held their breaths as WICKED's vehicles went directly past us. Even then no one dared to move until we couldn't hear the motors.

"Who are you all?"I asked after a minute.

"I'm Minho, that's Newt, Thomas, Frypan, Teresa, Winston, and I'm sure you know Aris,"An Asian boy with dark hair answered.

I know Aris alright. More than I'd like to.

"What's the plan Tommy?"Newt asked. Thomas nervously looked at the ground.
"We followed you out here with nothing. Thomas what's the plan?"He repeated.

"Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army,"Aris spoke up.

"The Right Arm. If they're really against WICKED maybe they can help us,"Thomas agreed.

"People? In the mountains? Mountain people? That's your plan?"Newt clarified.
"It's not like we have anything better,"Winston reminded us.

"If we're going anywhere shouldn't we look for supplies? Dying before we even reach these people doesn't sound good,"I pointed out. The group all nodded in agreement.
"Stick with someone. We don't know what's out there,"Newt said.

If I walk away now I can just pretend I never heard them.

"Y/N, wait up,"Aris called.

Damn. So much for that plan.

"Find another partner. I'm sure someone else needs help,"I muttered, going up some random escalator steps.

"I know you're mad."

"You have no idea,"I mumbled under my breath.

"I told you if I could get you out I would, and I did. You can't just stay angry over that the entire time."

"I don't give a damn about that. I just wish it didn't have to be you here,"I snapped.

"What?"He asked, confused.

"You know what? Don't worry about it. Just help me find something,"I instructed.

"Can you just-"
"Hold this. I found another flashlight."

"Seriously? Just tell me-"
"Water is another necessity."

"Look. I don't-"
"Are you going to help me or not?"I repeated, now irritated.

He went to say something else when light started flashing on one by one. The unexpected brightness blinded me for a moment before I got back to looking.

"Run! Run! Run!"Someone shouted. I looked down to see the group being chased by something. They weren't human. At least not anymore. There was some sick sort of curiosity to see them up close.

"What are you doing?! Run!"Aris screamed, grabbing my hand and pulling me along. This brought me back to reality as everyone else followed close behind us. Whatever the hell those things were we seemed to be losing them. I didn't stop for long to look back, but their screams were more than enough to haunt me.

A Beautiful Distraction(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now