24) Unimaginable Truths

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"Come on. Aren't you tired of this yet?"I asked Marcus, masking my frustration. We had been here for what seems like hours. So far nobody would let me pull out his teeth because they were afraid he would stop talking at all. It's not like he's said anything useful though.

"You're not getting anything out of me,"He protested. I looked at Brenda who had been sitting in the corner next to Jorge. He allowed me to take over a while ago, but so far neither of us had been any good.

"Look sparkles. There are now eight of us that could kick your ass. Some of us would kill you. So make this easier on both of us, and tell us what you know about Right Arm,"I repeated.

"Oh please. It's still only seven of you that could do anything,"He said, throwing an irritating smirk.

"Really? Can you not count or something?"

"That one probably couldn't fight off a butterfly,"He said, cocking his head to Aris.

This was my final straw. I kicked the leg of his chair causing him to fall on his face. I watched it crumble as blood filled the floor. He groaned in pain. I just looked at him, and before you ask I wasn't blinded by rage. I knew exactly what I was doing.

You were blinded by love.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend you asshole,"I spat.

"Did I miss a chapter?"Minho commented, which I ignored. Instead, I grabbed a fistful of Marcus's hair and forced him to look me in the eye. Despite the blood on his cheek he was wearing that same subtle smirk.

"What's happening? Where am I?"Thomas asked, coming out of his own sleep. His voice was slurred, but he'd be wide awake soon enough.

"You know what? I'm sick of you and your yellow teeth,"I told him, standing up. I walked over to Brenda and picked up the pliers. Then, I made sure they were noticeable from his sight. I wasn't subtle as I turned around and leaned next to him.

"Now, I've never tortured anyone before, but I make exceptions. I mean, I don't usually fight, but your friend still has glass in her face,"I remarked casually, watching his reaction.

"I don't have friends."

"That's no surprise sparkles."

"I'm not talking,"He repeated, his eyes growing with fear as I spun the pliers in my hand.

"Really? You know what? I am tired of just sitting here. If you don't want to take us seriously you get to know the amount of damage some rusty tools do."

"You wouldn't,"He responded, going as far as to give a laugh with no humor. There was something else behind it though. He was growing terrified. I took the opportunity and connected the tool with his front tooth. I slowly wiggled it back and forth as he screamed out in pain.

"Mountains. Mountains!"He cried out. I pulled the pliers out and looked at him.

"What'd you say sparkles?"

"Mountains. They live in the mountains, but you won't be able to get there so this was for nothing,"He said in one breath.

"Not on foot hermano,"Jorge said. Marcus groaned in protest.

"Not Bertha."

We looked at Jorge for an explanation. He just sent us a nod and a look saying he'll explain when we're out of this hell.

"Right. Are you good to walk Tommy?"Newt checked. Once Thomas assured him he was we got ready to leave.

"What about me?"Marcus asked as we left the room.

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