22) The Other Traitor

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"We have to find something about it. Maybe if we know who the other kids are we'll learn something about them that will help us out,"Luna suggested. For weeks we had been planning how to avoid our fate. So far nothing had worked. We hadn't found an escape route, and that was the only idea. This wasn't something we thought of.

"How?"I questioned.

"We go back to that lab. We'll look at the screen. Even more let's go now."

"Now? In the day?"I asked, looking at her like she was crazy. She only had that same determined yet solum look on her face. There was no changing her mind.

"Okay. Let's ask Alex to cover. He's the most trustworthy person here,"I whispered. It was more than true. He knew about this already, and he had covered for me during the beginning nights. He was just as ready to leave. If anyone was up for the challenge it was him.

She agreed, and we walked over to him. He looked up from his sketch and smiled.

"Hey guys. What's up?"He asked.

"We're going up and left. Can you cover?"I asked. He already knew where that was. The code has been put in place a long time ago.

"Okay. Just be careful. Don't stay longer than fifteen minutes."

"Thank you Alex. You're the best,"I responded.

"No problem, and be careful. I mean it."

"I know. We'll come back. We always do."

"I'm allowed to worry about you. . .guys. You guys,"He pointed out, still saying the last part to quickly. Almost as if it were an afterthought.

"Come on. You two can flirt later,"Luna said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I hadn't even realized I was still standing beside him. I was barely even a few inches away.

It gives you such a similar feeling.

I know that already. I figured that out a while ago, but there wasn't time to dwell on that problem right now. Looking back at him with one last smile we quietly slid under her bed.

"Let's go. This route is longer,"She reminded me. I didn't need to be told twice. Side by side we kept low as we made our way to the lab. Only that lab became something more. To be more specific it became a monitoring room. So far we hadn't actually seen anyone watch the cameras.

Today was different. Once we were finally above the room we spotted four teenagers our age, or at least around it. They were wearing white WICKED suits. That was to be expected though. All of it was.

So why did it still feels like a punch to the stomach to see Aris standing in front of a monitor wearing one?

I know I was supposed to be observing the others, but my eyes stayed glued to him. He was staring intently at a monitor screen.

"Subject D-15 has something in their brain waves. Zoom in on him,"A voice directed. I turned to see Ava standing there as stiff and emotionless as ever.

"Aris, that's yours,"A girl said. I turned to see someone with long brown hair looking at him with expectantly. Nodding in agreement he pressed a few buttons near the screen.

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