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It was raining rather heavily that the boy had to take shelter under the waiting shed until his mother came to pick him up.

He inhalled the crisp air. The small droplets of water quenched the thirsty soil, emancipating the fresh and stimulating smell of the earth.

It never failed to give a pleasant and refreshing feeling which made him love the first shower of the year more than anything else.

Crouching down, he watched the spherical shapes formed in the poodles when the tiny droplets kiss the surface of the water, fascinated.

His mom once told him that it was due to the tug of war between the two forces. He was so engrossed that he barely noticed all those kids playing in the rain.

He shifted his gaze upwards, a bit annoyed when a pair of shoes splashed the poodles that he was so keenly watching.

He saw a girl of his age, giggling and jumping around. He guessed she must be from his class though he did not recognise her. He never paid any attention to anyone in his class, especially the girls.

Warmth crept up into his cheeks everytime he tabout interacting with them.

She stood in the middle of the road with many other kids, swirling and twirling among the light drizzle of the transclucent drops, and laughing ever so beautifully despite the drenched uniform hugging her petite form.

Because of some unknown reasons, he kept staring, his eyes refusing to let go of her sight.

She giggled at the tingling sensation of the tiny drops trickling down her face. Her gleaming eyes akin to that of the little bunny he owned. Her smile was so brilliant, like the sun itself, full of pure happiness. It was so contagious.

He could not hide the wide smile that stretched out on his lips.

"She is beautiful."

Smile Like The SunWhere stories live. Discover now