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(Third Person's POV)

Leon entered the cafeteria and picked up his lunch. He strode towards their usual spot before dropping down beside Ron, who was flirting with his gilfriend.

He did not pay attention to them and casually took a bite of his sandwich.

"Hi Leon." Emma smiled at him.

Leon just went on with his lunch, completely ignoring her existence, his expression unreadable. He felt disgusted when girls acted as if they have known each other well, especially Ron's gilfriends.

The only reason why he did not object Ron bringing his girlfriends to their table was because he pretended not to care. He did not want to give Ron the pleasure of knowing that he was actually successful in trying to annoy him.

Emma became red with anger and embarrassment. She was one of the most popular girls in the campus, no one had ever dared to ignore her.

Ron , sensing the tense atmosphere, wrapped his arm around his girlfriend and smiled in a warm and cajoling manner.

"Don't mind him. He's always like this when he's in a bad mood."

"It's alright."

She smiled back, consoling herself with the fact that Leon was indifferent and aloof to everybody but she could not help the anger surging inside.

"Hey. Wanna go hang out later?" Ron turned to Leon and asked, expecting to get a negative answer as usual.

"Okay." Leon nodded casually, knocking the air out of Ron's windpipe.

Leon had vowed to himself that he would get that girl out of his mind. And for that, he needed some distractions.

And Ron almost choked on his drink, incredulous, his eyes nearly bulging out of the sockets. He was not sure if he had heard him correctly.

Slowly his shocked expression morphed into a mischievous one as the end of his lips curled up into a cheeky smile.

"What about your big boss?" Ron asked, implying to his brother. "Warning you, you can't chicken out later."

"I won't." Leon casted him a glare. "I am not a child."

Ron widened his smile. It was rare for his introvert friend to be willing. He was not going to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity.

"That is great!" Emma joined in, a hand resting on Ron's chest as she played with his loose buttons. "When will you pick me up?"

"Sorry babe." Ron smiled at her. "But this gonna be a boy's night."

"It's alright. I understand." She retracted her hand and smiled warmly. But her perfectly manicured nails dug into the soft fabric of her skirt under the table.

For someone who had attention and spotlight following her around wherever she went, she did not like how she was left out.


Sorin stretched as she exited the store, she was really exhausted. She had already finished her shift when some delivery called in the last minute.

She had to go, extra time meant extra money. It was already past nine when she checked her phone. Oh! It's so late.

She intended to take the bus instead as it would be more safer and quicker than walking on foot. And moreover, she doubted if her weary limbs could cover the long distance without breaking down midway.

She sat down on the bench, waiting for the next bus since the last one had just left a minute ago.

There were not much people since it was getting late, only a few here and there, hurrying to their homes and families.

She sat quietly, mulling in the soft lights of the city when someone suddenly grabbed her purse and dashed off.

"Hey!" She shouted out of reflex and chased the guy, a sudden anger surging her adrenaline and clouding her rationality.

He slowed down and finally stopped when he reached a dark alley.

It took her a few minutes to adjust her vision in the darkness and when she did, she realised late that it was a bad idea to follow him as she watched him strolling up to two more guys, probably his partners.

"Hey, what's that chick doing here?"

One of the guys said, nonchalantly pointing at Sorin with his chin, sending an uncomfortable sensation down her spine at the sudden attention.

"Probably following me." The guy who snatched her purse turned back.

"Then we should not keep her waiting when she's already so eager." The other guy smirked which gave off a creepy feeling.

Sorin stepped back when she saw them approaching her slowly then suddenly turned and fled. But before she could even exit the alley, she was grabbed and hurled back.

Her back banged on the wall from the force of the kick she received on her stomach when she tried to fight back.

She dropped down on her knees and gaped soundlessly, the pain numbing her mind for a few seconds.

The three men loomed over her, wearing a dirty look on their faces which disgusted her more than feared her.

She closed her eyes, desperately wishing she was stronger so that she could protect herself. She was weak, but that did not mean she would allow anybody to trample her underfoot.

It was pathetic, she would not stand a chance against three well-built men, but she was not going to beg for mercy.

She bit hard into the hand that touched her cheek and the guy howlered in pain. Taking it as her chance when the guys were distracted, she got up and ran again.

She heard footsteps thundering behind her, telling her she could not slow down her pace even though her limbs were on the brink of breaking down.

Just a little longer. She told herself; she just needed to reach the main road and she would be safe.

Sorin suddenly crashed on a firm chest and reeled back, a hand on her waist quickly balanced her.

She looked up, only half of the face was visible due to the dim streetlight. But relief washed over her when she recognised the sharp aquamarine eyes glowing in the dark.

She did not know why but she felt that she was safe.

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