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(Third Person's POV)

It was already past seven in the morning and Sorin was still in bed, wide awake and staring at the ceiling. It was unlike her, even though it was saturday.

Somehow she had managed to escape from that man the previous night.

And only after she reached her house and was convinced that all the door and windows were closed did she plopped down on the floor and released a breath she did not know she was holding.

She contemplated about reporting the matter to the cops but stopped when she remembered that she had no proof which would make them believe her. She also did not want to scare Naobi, there was nothing she could do.

An uncomfortable sensation clawed on her insides every time she thought about walking that street again. But she could not move out from her current apartment, it would take both time and money which she could not afford.

She exhaled deeply through her nose, not knowing what to do, frustrated that she was feeling so desperate and helpless.

It was during these times that she desperately wished her grandfather was with her, though she still missed him almost everyday. He was the only person whom she could rely blindly in the whole wide world.

Her train of thoughts were interrupted by the intense knocking on the door. Even before opening she could guess who it would be on the other side.

She exhaled, trying to calm her torrent emotions and compose herself, as she climbed down the bed and walked towards the door.

"What took you so long?" Naobi complained as she walked in and flopped down on the couch, placing her bag on the table.

"We agreed to hangout in the afternoon right?" Sorin reminded Naobi as she locked the door, slightly confused to what Naobi was doing here.

"Geez! I know." Naobi rolled her eyes and explained.

"Dad is not back from his trip and mom is out with her friends. There is no one at home so I get bored and decided to come here and study with you."

Sorin mouthed an 'O' and nodded as she grabbed her towel and headed towards the bathroom.

"Okay. Wait a minute, I will freshen up first. Had breakfast?"

"Not yet." Naobi shook her head as she pulled out a tiffin from her bag and walked towards the kitchen.

"I made cake. Be quick. I will lay the table."

"Okay." Sorin shouted from the bathroom, the sound muffled due to the lather and brush in her mouth.


Sorin plopped down on the bench, inhaling and exhaling heavily, as she tried to calm her raging adrenaline due to the turbulent ride Naobi had dragged her into.

Sorin glared at the girl behind her who was laughing her ass off.

"This is all your fault! You told them to speed up. Now I will never be able to enjoy a fun ride again!"

She struggled to sound angry but the excitement in her tone betrayed her.

"Hey! We had fun though!" Naobi laughed.

"Besides who would know that they would just triple the speed."

"Not triple. It is almost ten times!" Sorin shook her head, still breathing heavily.

"Okay. Okay. I am sorry." Naobi said as she started feeling a bit guilty of the state she put her bestfriend into.

"Stay here. I will get a drink for you."

Sorin laughed as she watched Naobi crossed the road and she walked towards the cafe on the other side. It would obviously be a lie if she said that she did not have fun.

She just wanted to mess a little with Naobi. She took a deep breath as she looked around and then widened her smile when her gaze fell on someone.


"Never thought you would be my personal bodyguard someday."

Leon muttered drily as he stared outside the tinted glass, sitting on the back seat of his own car, his face stoic and expressionless.

"It is my duty to serve you master." James spoke in his usual monotone voice as he kept his eyes on the road ahead.

"Yeah." Leon scoffed, "You mean my brother."

James watched the boy in the rear mirror and sighed before returning his gaze foreward.

Being stayed in the household for a long time, he watched the boy grew. He missed the boy who was always ready with his bright smile.

He sighed again but said nothing. Leon also focused his mind on outside when James remained quite, his elbow leisurely resting on the window pane as he supported his jaw on his knuckles.

The scenery stopped moving when the car got stuck in the traffic.

His bored gaze wandered around before resting on a figure of a dark haired girl. He slightly narrowed his gaze, she seemed somewhat familiar but he could not exactly pin point.

She smiled and stared at something.

Leon followed her gaze; a little girl jumped again and again, trying to reach a flower in a low hanging branch of a roadside tree but failing miserably every time.

He stared at her, wondering why she did not give up after the numerous failures.

He was so engaged in the little endeavor that he did not notice someone coming behind her until they picked up the little girl by her armpits and raised her upwards until the desired flower was pulcked with her own small hands.

The little girl squealed and jumped in delight when she was brought down. She quickly spun around and gave a peck on the cheek of the person who helped her, before prancing away down the footpath.

Leon returned his gaze to the stunned short haired girl who was standing with wide hazel eyes, her hand caressing the spot where the kiss was planted.

The evening rays gave a golden hue to her skin, and her soft smile was the diamomd embedded in the gold. He could not help but stare at her, the sight unconciously tucked away inside a corner of his heart.

His eyes travelled down to the foot imprint left by the little girl on her shirt and then to the wide smile that spread on her face.


He scoffed softly and removed his gaze from her frame before the signal turned green and the car started moving.

But a small smile tugged the corner of his lip, an unkown but pleasant feeling throbbing inside his chest, elevating his mood.

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