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(Third Person's POV)

Sorin was arranging her locker in a daze, she could not get the incident from the day before out of her mind.

She failed to notice the several gasps and whispering around her as she was lost in a world of her own.

Startled, she nearly jumped when she felt someone's presence beside her.

"Hi." Ron smiled, using his notorious boyish charm to capture her attention.

"Um...Hello." Sorin managed to stammered as she crunched her brows a bit in confusion, not expecting such a visit from one of the most popular guys in the campus.

He took a moment to study her, simple jeans and an oversized teeshirt. Too plain and insipid for his preference. But there was something about her.

"You are special." Ron looked at her intently, casually leaning on the wall beside him.

"My charm does not seem to affect you."

"Ah..thanks." She said awkwardly, just to be polite; she did not know if it was a compliment or an offended remark.

"Excuse me if I sound rude." She said, both confused and uncomfortable.

"But may I know why you are here?"

Ron looked flabbergast for a minute, before bursting out laughing.

Sorin just stared at him with a weird expression on her face, doubting if the guy was really sane. Sometimes, she could not understand those rich kids.

The sound of his laughter rolled off so pleasantly from his chest. And there, she could not help but notice how different Leon was from him.

His voice was rich and deep, adding a charm to his boyish and jovial nature. While Leon's was smooth and alluring with a tinge of melancholy, complimenting his aloof and indifferent demeanor.

She wondered how it would be like when he laugh.

Ron stared at the girl who was deep in her reverie, she somewhat reminded him of his bestfriend.

Any other girl in her place would be blushing like a tomato by now.

He smiled an approved smile though he was a bit offended that his charm was inaffective for once.

Now, I see why she caught his attention. She's different. Sigh! I wish I have a little sister like her.

He was suddenly pushed back as a protective Naobi stood in front of Sorin.

"What do you want?"

She growled lowly as she glared at Ron, intense detest clear in her emarald orbs. He cocked a brow, amused.

"I guess, your name." He smiled charmingly as he leaned foward a little.

"May I have it, kitten."

"I am not a kitten." She hissed. "And you better stay away from her. She's not like those girls with skimpy skirts."

She stormed away, pulling Sorin with her. Ron laughed, staring the way she went. The feisty girl reminded him of an agitated little kitten, whom he would have so much fun taming.

Naobi pulled Sorin further away and paused when they reached an empty part of the long hallway.

"What was that guy saying?" Naobi spat as she abruptly turned to face Sorin.

"Nothing." Sorin replied, careful not to anger the already fumming Naobi.

"He just came up and greeted me."

"That's all?" Naobi knitted her brows, both confused and angry.

"What do he want?"

"I don't know."

Sorin shruged, she also did not understand. She had never talked with him even once, not to mention that she even doubted he knew her existence.

Naobi exhaled deeply and held Sorin firmly by her shoulders, with a serious expression on her face.

"Look Sorin. He's a fucking playboy." She started.

"Whatever may be the reason, just stay away from that guy and everything that is related to him."

Sorin sighed. She did not need to worry about him taking an interest to her, it was an impossible, even by mistake.

But she nodded, just to assure Naobi and to stop her lecture.


"Full name; Sorin Wang. Age; eighteen. Senior year, commerce department. Does not associate too much with people. Spends most of the time in library, particularly a nerd."

Ron reported his newfound information with a proud smile on his face as he dropped down beside Ron with his tray.

"You are stalking her?" Leon contorted his face, pure disdain visible in his eyes.

"What! No!" Ron cried, indignant of being accused of what he was not. "I just dug up the information for you bro!"

"Why will I need it?"

Leon took a sip from his drink as he said nonchalantly, trying to feign disinterest, eventhough he was repeating the information a thousand times in his mind.

"Well its great then." Ron reclined back to his seat with a smirk. "That means you don't mind if I go after her?"

Leon glared at him, his sharp aquamarine eyes hard and severe, suddenly feeling an urge to punch Ron until he bleed.

"Chill bro!" Ron laughed, satisfied with Leon's reaction. "I was just joking."

Leon just snarled lowly and continued his lunch, annoyed that Ron got what he wanted at last.

"Where's your girlfriend?" He asked, trying to distract the topic.

"Broke up this morning." Ron replied casually, as if talking about weather.

"That's good."

Leon replied nonchalantly, glad that the coquettish girl would not spoil his appetite again. He did not like her, to be honest he never liked any of Ron's girlfriend.

"Moreover I have already found an interesting kitten." Ron added, more to himself, as his gaze wandered off to the garnet haired girl sitting across the room.

Naobi gesticulated wildly with her hands, her eyes bright and animated, while narrating a very interesting topic to her friends. It made him want to be the one on the recieving end.

She caught Ron staring at her and glared back before turning away with a destested frown.

He curled up his lips into a lopsided grin. Cute!

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