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(Third Person's POV)

Leon laid in bed, recollecting the incident from last week. He did not show it before her but he was nervous as well as scared at that moment.

It was a secret that he hid from everyone including his brother, although he doubted that his brother knew. Nothing could be kept hidden from him.

But now someone, a stranger, found out his secret. He groaned to himself. But stangely enough, he had a feeling that his secret was safe with her.

James was already waiting for him when he reached his car. It infuriated him that his brother was still treating him like a child.

He was already eighteen but could not even drive his own car without his brother permission.

It felt like nothing truly belonged to him. He was free but he was in chains. And Nigan called it his way of protecting him. He scoffed to himself humourlessly.

"No need to wait for me." Leon said coldly as he got out from the car when they reached the campus.

"But..." James was about to protest.

"I am not a child. I can perfectly take care of myself." Leon cut him and walked inside without waiting for a reply.

James sighed as he pulled the car out of the driveway and drove away.


Leon was currently cornered by more than some dozen men.

They were in the abandoned building of the school, which had become an ideal spot for such fights and bullying since there were no surviellance camera, and also because the chance of intervention by someone were very slim to none.

He gazed around with an indifferent expression which seemed to infuriate the guys even more.

"It is good to see you again Leon." One of the guys in the front, obviously the leader, mocked.

"Do I know you?" Leon asked coldly, his stoic face showing a slightly puzzled expression.


A vein popped on his forehead as he turned red with anger. His name was Jason Lang, one of those popular guys in the campus, Seonghwa broke his nose a few weeks ago.

The bandage was still fresh. There was no way Leon would not remember him, he knew Leon was humiliating him by feigning ignorance. It damaged his pride severely.

"Hah!" He laughed coldly as he shook his head slowly. "I see. Still as arrogant as ever."

He smirked and cracked his knuckles as he looked at Leon in his eyes. "Let us see how long it can last."

Leon scoffed, as if he did not care. "I'd like to see you try."

Jason turned dark and it was enough signal to his men. Leon made his stance, his senses alert, and as he felt the men getting ready to attack.

Though they were not too muscular, they still had the advantage of numbers. Leon grinned, a lopsided one.

He was not a chicken to let those scums get away without a fight, or unscathed. He deftly ducked through their blows and gave them a taste of his own.

He was fighting with some guys when Jason crept up behind him holding a blade, the sharp metal reflecting the sunlight that poured in through the ventilators.


A feminine voice rang across the place.

They all paused and looked towards the source. Leon noticed Jason swiftly hiding the knife in his hand. He looked at the entrance and saw the petite figure of a girl standing.

Leon creased his eyebrow in confusion as he remembered her, wondering what she was doing there.

He was about to tell the girl to go away when he realised that he did not know her name. She was a stranger and it was none of his business if she got into any danger.

"Mind your own business." One of the guy turned towards her and threatened coldly.

"Don't play brave if you want to live."

She took a step foreward bravely as she held her phone high in her hand and announced.

"I have recorded everything. I will report immediately if you don't leave now."

Though her eyes were firm and her voice steady, Leon noticed the fear and nervousness hidden inside her hazel orbs and the way her frail hands trembled slightly.

Why? We do not know each other. Why are you doing this if you are afraid? Why do you care? He thought to himself, even more confused.

An unknown and uncomfortable feeling tingled the insides of his chest. Was it only guilt? Or was it something else too?

"Do you know what you are doing?" The Jason spoke, his voice calm and dangerous.

"Just leave and I will let it go."

She clenched her phone tighter in her palm as she tried to steady her shaking hands. And raised her voice, trying to conceal her fears behind the steeled facade, but Leon could see the desperation behind it.

"What you are doing is wrong. I will make this online if you don't stop." She glared at Jason, challenging him.

"I will remember you." Jason glared at her and spoke in a low voice before turning towards Leon and whispering.

"You got lucky this time."

The others followed suit behind him. Leon turned towards the girl and saw her releasing a shaky breath she did not know she had been holding.

For some unknown reasons, he felt an surge of anger seeing her petite frame shivering slightly. She was clearly scared. Then why did she helped him? Did she think he was weak?

"Do you know what you have done? Why did you do it for? To show your bravery?" The words came out harsher than he intended to, his voice colder than usual.

She looked at him, eyes wide as if realisation suddenly hit her. He stiffened when he saw her clear hazel orbs becoming glossy, a pang of remorse suddenly hit his chest.

She casted her gaze downwards, her expression unreadable as she backed and ran away.

Out of instinct, Leon extended his hand to catch her, but stopped himself. He exhaled harshly as he ran his hand through his hair, a habit he was accustomed to whenever he get frustrated with himself.

He did not understand why he got so worked up all of sudden.

A glistening object on the ground caught his attention. Leon bended down and picked it up.

It was an old inkpen, it laid on the place where she stood. He stared at the cold metal in his hand, contemplating for a while before finally putting it inside his pant pocket.

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