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(Third Person's POV)

It was a big function, the annual foundation day celebration of the school. The massive hall was filled with people, both students and guardian, to witness the wonderful event that would befall.

Sorin was seated in the middle, drowned among the ocean of people and as unnoticeable as always. Naobi did not attend since she was out of the town with her family. Never before in her life was she so restless and impatient, as she anxiously waited for the fifth performance.

It seemed like an eternity had passed, before the MC eventually announced the next performance. Her heart started pounding with excitement and anticipation when the words 'Piano' and 'Leon Lai' rang across the large hall, as if it was going to be her own performance.

She felt terribly annoyed when she heard those derisive comments, about Leon, from the girls beside her. An intense urge to rise up and defend him surged her insides.

You are wrong! He is not like that! But she could only scream in her head.

All the other noises gradually faded away as the velvet curtain raised, revealing the grand stage. A stately piano stood gracefully in the middle. And wearing a formal white shirt, with the first few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up to reveal his porcelain skin, and a dark grey trouser was the pianist, who was sitting ever so elegantly on the wodden stool.

Astonished gasps and audible gapes could be heard across the large hall, as the mockers became baffled with the unimaginable sight before their eyes. It was a marvellous sight.

The luminous lights casted a fervent glow on him, accentuating his flawless features and emphasizing his soft hair. His eyes was closed, engrossed in the placid music, as the supple fingers glided across the back and white keys with a never dying ardor.

Everything else disappered in that moment as she behold the picturesque in the grand stage, her heart swelling with an unkown euphoria. He looked so perfect, so ethereal, as he played the most enchanting melody ever heard.

Dew drops of the dawn, disappear in the morn.

Memories of yesterday, will fade away tomorrow.

And the promises will be forgotten, as the time moves on ceaselessly.

But it remains, and shall continue to, and only you and I will ever know.

It was soft and quite with a tinge of secret melancholy as the notes floated smoothly in the air, like an indescribable metaphor. It piereced through her heart, like a sharp pointed arrow, the feeling so sorrowful yet so beautiful.

Sorin did not even realise it was over until the loud approbation woke her up. She could not not stop smiling as the applauding flooded her ears, her insides churning up with both pride and joy, even though she knew that it was not meant for her. She was happy, genuinely happy, as the curtain closed.

The refreshment was served after a few performances. Sorin could not help feeling anger broiling her insides when she heard those same girls, who were mocking Leon a few moments ago, now drooling over him. Though she had to be relieved that people no longer ridicule him.

She suddenly got up and ran out of the hall, she was afraid she would end up slapping those girls if she heard their giggling any longer. She wanted everyone to know Seonghwa was hers. She felt as if she could even kill for him. What was happening to her? She never knew she had such a dark side, and that it would ever surfaced.

Sorin reached the abandoned area and dropped down on the broken bench. It had become her favourite place since it was secluded and no one would disturb her when she ever want some quiet time.

Maybe because she was so desperate, that she stretched out her hand to reach the moon, which was impossible. She grew so possesive for someone who was not her property. He doesn't belong to you. She told herself. He doesn't belong to you.

She felt her heart dropped when she imagined him with someone else. Her chest hurt, the feeling so heavy and suffocating, as her breathing became laborous. It was so unbearable, so painful, that even dying seemed nothing as compared to it.

She was not alien to this feeling, she had suffered the same miserable pain, ten years ago. However, it was so different from that cold night.

No tears came out, not because the intensity of the pain was lesser, but because of some uncomprehensive reasons. The encumbrance became heavier and more painful, but she did not want to be relieved. The feeling, it was just like his music, sorrowful but beautiful, unbearable yet enticing.

It was just as she had feared, it was already too late. She had done something she should not, a luxury she could never afford, now she must pay the price.

She knew this would come, one day or another, why did she ignore this fact? Why did she allow herself to fall deeper and deeper into the fathomless ocean? Why did she never stop herself?

The answers were simple; she wanted to, she wanted to fall, she wanted to feel the beautiful pain. She wanted to love him, even if it meant that she would have to feel a thousand heartbreaks.

With the falling of the soft snow flakes, I remember you.

With my eyes close, I see you.

With the faint rustling of the dry leaves, I feel you.

Each day, every second, I think of you, and you alone.

Dangerous as it is, this is my infatuation.

Cause longing for you, is my secret obsession.

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