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(Third Person's POV)

It had been a few days since that day in cafeteria.

Though Leon did not seem to remember her, if he did he would have done something like threatening her or something already, Sorin was careful not to run into him just in case.

Who knew, he could be a stalker, or even worse. And it would not hurt to be a bit vigilant.

But she did not have to worry much since she hardly ever saw him in the campus, she guessed the rumors about him hating socializing with people were true.

Though Ron was notorious for his playboy nature, he was one of the best player of the campus basketball team.

And with his charming looks, people simply could not hate him. He still had hundreds of fans, though mostly females, who would not think twice to die for him.

On the other hand, Leon was just the opposite. He was arrogant and rash with an unapproachable aura around him which made people either despise him or fear him or even both.

Naturally he did not have a very good reputation, even though it was not convincing enough to prove that he was a serial killer.

There were several rumors, even witnesses, about him constantly getting into fights and breaking rules.

Truth to be told, he was a delinquent. But for obvious reasons, he hardly ever got in trouble. That was one thing Sorin hate about those rich kids, they thought money could buy them anything, though it was partly true.

Though she was not a very good person, she hated holding prejudice against anyone she barely knew.

But she was sure that he was the man who attacked her that night. And even if he was not a stalker or anything of the sort, he could not be a good person.

Sorin headed to her locker after lecture, she had a fifteen minute break before the next one start.

As usual she would go to the library or to an empty classroom, anywhere that was quiet and less crowded.

She was sorting out things in her locker when she paused and turned back after she heard someone calling her. She raised her eyebrows when a tall stack of boxes came into her view.


Julia smiled from behind the boxes, she was from the same department as Sorin and she was one of those few people with whom Sorin felt comfortable.

"Do you have any class now?"

"Hi." Sorin smiled back, eyeing the boxes.

"No. It is my off now. Do you need any help?"

"Oh! Yes!" Julia beamed as she nodded enthusiastically, being grateful.

"Thankyou so much!"

"No problem." Sorin said as she carefully took some boxes from Julia.

"Where do we take them?"

"Those are for the rooftop." Julia said before looking down on the boxes in her hands and sighing tiredly. "And these are for the janitors."

"You work really hard." Sorin smiled. "Good luck with your campaign."

"Thanks." Julia smiled back, she was running for the president of student council. "Don't forget to vote for me."

"I will." Sorin laughed before heading towards the staircase.

Sorin placed the boxes near a half broken table in the rooftop, all the obsolete and worn out items went there, and started climbing down while glancing at her phone screen.

There was still seven minutes, she could make it to her next lecture. She suddenly paused, she thought she heard a faint music.

She brushed it off as her imagination and proceeded to take another step when she heard it again, that time it lasted a little longer.

She knew she should be heading for her lecture instead but her curiosity overwhelmed her as she stepped towards the source.

The sound became more and more clearer and it was not before long that her feet unconsiously stepped foreward on their own, as if a mysterious force was drawing her soul towards the source.

The silvery notes floated in the warm velvety air, like the magical dust from a fairy tale, enthralling her entire being.

She paused, her eyes widening at the scene. She refused to believe she was not dreaming.

Leon sat on the piano, with his eyes closed and drowning in the delicate mirage formed by the soft music.

Slender fingers stroked the black and white keys ever so lovingly, producing the most enchanting piece ever heard. Mesmerising her heart and soothing the depth of her soul, it was beautiful beyond words yet so painful at the same time.

For some unknown reasons, her heart ached in her chest.

Sorin kept staring at the scenic view before her, unable to peel off her eyes even for a moment. It was a side of him she had never even imagined.

Soft sunrays slanted across his smooth skin, giving it a warm glow which further accentuated his distinguished features. The gentle breeze caressed his lush midnight hair, making them dance ever so gently in rhythm.

He looked so unreal, so placid yet so aesthetic, like a beautiful painting made by the finest hand itself. Only one words came into her mind, he was ethereal.

It left her wondering if there were more about him, if the real him was different from the rumors. She was not sure of herself anymore.

Sorin did not even realised that the music had stopped until she became aware of the pair of cold aquamarine eyes boring through her soul. Their eyes met and her heart skipped in her chest.

Adrenaline flooded her mind when she saw him getting up, screaming her to get away, but her legs were frozen in its place.

Her heart pounded wildly in her chest as he closed the distance between them, his face a mere inches away from hers.

He gazed down at her for a while, his face stoic and expressionless, before he suddenly swept past her towards the door.

He pulled the knob and muttered in a low voice, before disappearing.

"Don't breath a word about this to anyone."

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