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Class ended, it is already two in the afternoon. My shift at the convenience store will start at two-thirty and will be over by eight-thirty in the evening.

I normally reach home before nine. I will have some plain porridge or instant noodles depending on the mood.

And I will go to bed after making a quick review of the topics covered in the class. That is my everyday routine for the weekdays except on holidays.

On weekends, I will try to finish my assignments and reveiw the topics covered so far so that I will not have much problems near exams. Since I am working, it is difficult to take out the time to prepare for exams.

Though it is tiring on one hand, I find joy on the other. Each time I succeed in completing my work on time, I feel as if I have accomplished something, as if I have gotten a step closer to my success.

I feel happy, even proud of myself.

I look around a little, noticing the other students in branded clothes and cool hairstyles. I am on a completely different level from them.

It do feel awkward and uncomfortable among people who are of same age as me but have double my bank account.

But I console myself that they are minor things, luxuries, and I have a more important matter at hand.

My only aim is to graduate as soon as possible and with as less trouble as possible, get a stable job with a decent pay and finally move out of the dreary crockcoach infested place.

"Hey! Sor!" Naobi call as she stride towards me with a wide smile.

I turn towards her and smile as I wait for her to walk together.

"Class was so boring today! God! I nearly fall asleep." She whine like a baby, completely contrasting from the morning. Sometimes I doubt myself if my friend is really normal and does not have spilt personality.

"So, have any plans this weekend?" she ask.

"No. I am going to finish my assignment."

"Okay then." she think for a while and say. "You can study in the morning and we will hang out later. It's been long since we have spend time together."

"Why don't we just order a pizza and watch a movie or something?" I suggest, suddenly feeling very uneasy thinking about going outside.

"Yah! Some fresh air once in a while is good for your health you idiot!" she smack lightly on my head.

"Okay! Okay!" I frown a little in defeat as I rub my head.

"By the way Sor." her voice become serious and I turn at her, she is already looking at me.

"Be careful when you return home from work. There are a lot of serial killing cases lately."

"Hey! Dont scare me like that. You know I am easily scared."

"I am serious! It is more dangerous in the dark." she scold me as she rummage through her bag. She take out a bottle and hand it to me.

"Pepper spray?" I read the words on the label, incredulous.

She nod. "Use it in case of emergency and if you see anyone suspicious just pretend you are on a call. Okay?"

"Okay. Okay. I got it."

She frown. "Hey! Take it serious will you!"

"Okay mom." I let out a sigh and she giggle.

We reach the waiting shed in a few minutes. We bid goodbye to eachother as she wait for her bus and I continue trekking towards my workplace, it is just a five minute walk away from there.

I put on the uniform, a red tee-shirt provided by the store, when I reached and then proceed to start my duty.


It is already dark when I finished. I change into my clothes before wishing goodnight to my employer and exiting the store. I am exhausted and sticky from the sweat.

I need to shower as soon as I reach home. It is so warm tonight.

The bustling street and city lights fade and the street become quite as I neared my neighborhood. It is preety deserted and only a very few people are sighted, who were probably drunkards.

I grip the strap of my bag tighter as I quicken my pace, my apartment is just a few blocks away.

This place is always creepy during the night. Nothing is going to happen. I walk this street everyday.

I assure myself but I cannot erase the dread gnawing at the bottom of my stomach. I remember Naobi's words.

There are a lot of serial killing cases lately...It is more dangerous in the dark.

I gulped as I quickened my pace even more until I was practically running, my heart thumping wildly against my chest.

I make a sharp turn around the corner and immediately, out of nowhere, someone emerge and slam me against the nearest wall.

A firm hand clamp tightly over my mouth before I can let out a scream.

My whole body become paralysed with fear. Tears threaten to sting my eyes, it do everytime my emotions got out of control, like the pathetic creature I am.

I feel frustrated with myself. How can I cry in such situation!

My mind is in a mad frenzy as how to release myself from their grip and save myself.

I feel a cold metal bottle brush my hand when I rummage inside my bag.

The pepper spray!

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