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(Third Person's POV)

Leon deftly looked behind his back as he sped through the dimly lit street in quick long strides.

He cursed lowly when he saw the men in black, his brother's men, getting closer on his trail. If they caught him, it would be over.

His brother would threatened him the same way he always did. And he would be forced to live the life that his brother decide for him.

Try on. You won't be getting me. Not today. He clenched his teeth in anger and determination as he hardened the exertion on his limbs as if his whole life depended on them.

It would be easy for Leon to escape them once he reach the main road. They were a group of at least six or seven bulky men. He would not stand a chance if he were to go for hand to hand combat. His legs were becoming weary and he knew that he could not maintain his pace much longer.

I have to hide. Quickly. He deftly hid in the nook of the wall as he turned the corner and hold his breath. After a minute, a group of muscular men passed him as they blindly followed the street.

Those fools. A small smirk made its way to his distinguished features as the dim street lamp illuminated his sharply cut aquamarine eyes.

He had a tall and slender frame, which was not too muscular but sturdy nevertheless, with flawless skin and lush midnight hair.

He pulled his hood over his head as he walked back the way he come from. It had only been about a minute or so when he heard loud footsteps and yelling coming towards him from a distance.

Shit! Never thought they'd figured it out so soon!

He picked up his pace and saw a girl rushing foreward just when he was about to turn the corner.

He grabbed her arm and pinned her against the brick wall, her body considerably light from what he had assumed. He clamped his other hand on her mouth when he saw that her about to scream.

He leaned closer to her, his breath fanning near her ear as he whispered.

"Don't freak out. Cooperate with..."

He did not get to complete his sentence when the girl suddenly pushed him and sprayed a generous amount of something on his face.

And the next second, he was on the ground, tossing and thrashing around as he cried loudly.

His eyes and nose sting like hell, his skin burning like it was on fire. It felt like an eternity before somebody poured cold water over his face. He had never felt so grateful in his whole life.

He calmed down after a few moments as the acute stinging gradually dimmed to a slightly mild burning sensation. He slowly opened his eyes and took around his surrounding.

Fuck. He cursed to himself when he saw black boots surrounding him from all sides, trapping him in the center.


Nigan crossed his right leg over his left, his face hard and void of any emotion, as he took in the rebellious boy sitting across him.

His jet black hair was neatly combed to the side without a single loose strand, revealing his handsome features which were an older and more matured version of Leom.

His muscles were more sturdy and his jawline were more prominant, which added to the intimidating aura he radiated.

His grey tuxedo were neatly pressed, free of any wrinkles and his polished shoes reflected the light from the chandelier.

"What happened to your eyes?" Nigan asked calmly, his voice deep and smooth.

"None of your business." Leon spat coldly.

"Have you been crying?"

"Of course not!" Leon raised his voice, slightly embarrassed and slightly indignant.

"That crazy girl sprayed something on me and..!" he suddenly stopped and cursed to himself as he realised what he had done.

"Girl?" Nigan raised one of his eyebrows, his voice still calm but one could see the amusement swirling in his eyes.

It was rare for his bashful younger brother to mention a girl. Interesting.

"Dont think the wrong way! I am not like you!" Leon complained as he frowned deeply. His brother just grinned, adding to his frustration.

"Stop making that face!"

"Seriously!" He huffed in frustration when he heard a low chuckle from his older brother.

"Now." Nigan's voice changed, becoming more calmer. And Leon tensed up at that, he knew where the conversation was going at.

"You have some explaination to do. Dont you?" Nigan stared directly at him, his gaze cold and heavy on his little brother.

"Why do you attempt to run away?"

Leon clenched his teeth. He did not want to admit but it could not be changed that he fear his older brother. He felt so frustrating and pathetic at the same time.

"I just want to meet mom." it came out in a whisper.

Nigan softened his gaze as he sighed. "Leo, its been more than ten years. She left us."


Leon raised his voice for the second time but that time accompanied with a slight trembling tone, his eyes were a bit misty as he pressed his lip on a thin line to stop them from quivering.

He exhaled a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"I will go to her one day." He said softly before climbing upstairs to his room.

Nigan sighed again. He did not know what to do with this brother of his. He motioned with his hand and a defined butler came foreward and bowed, waiting for his order.

"You are to stay with him and make sure that he is alright."

"Understood, Master." he bowed again before retreating.

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