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(Third Person's POV)

Sorin rang the door bell for a while before it was finanlly opened by a woman in her mid thirties, a small boy of about five peeked his head from behind her.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Is Mr. Suu home?" Sorin asked, smiling at the small boy who smiled back.

"We are from the Leima Old Age Home. We like to meet Mr Suu." She quickly added when she felt the scrutinizing gaze of the woman on both of them.

She ushered them inside the drawing room, Sorin noticed the ornate interiors and comfortable furnitures.

She sneered to herself as she sat down on the sofa. He lived in a mansion and sent his own mother away to rot. A few minutes later, a man came, seemingly in his late thirties.

"Yes? How can I help you?" He asked after sitting down on the opposite sofa.

"We are from Leima Old Age Home." Sorin said, hoping to get any reaction out of him.

But he did not, and her bitterness grew. Don't you even care how your mother is doing! If she is dead or living.

She drew a deep breath, quietly, to composed herself and began, earnestly.

"Sir, Your mother's sickness have worsen a lot these past few weeks."

"The doctor don't believe that she will last any longer than a month."

Sorin paused for a moment to study his reaction, his lack of emotion disheartened her but she continued nevertheless, in her most imploring tone.

"It will be so nice if you can visit her with your family, it is her only wish before she left the world."

"Well," The man began, hesitant, and Sorin desperately prayed for a positive response.

"We'd like to come and see mother but, both my wife and I have some important appointments and meetings pailing up this coming week."

"We will come if we can manage."

Sorin felt her blood boil when she heard those calm words. It was his own mother, how can one be so heartless! She did not realize when she got up and raised her voice.

"I know this is not my house and as an outsider I have no right to say this but, Mr Suu, that woman carried you in her womb for ten months and raised you for twenty five years!"

The man, being stunned with her sudden outbrust, took a few minutes to reply. Sorin cut him harshly when he opened his mouth to speak.

"She could have remarried if she wanted, could have live her life, but she didn't, because she devoted all the love and life to her son who sent her away to rot when she became useless!"

He just sat silently, casting his gaze downwards.

Sorin slammed her phone number on the table, asking them to reconsider, before storming out.


"You are really cool earlier." Ron handed Sorin one of the drinks he brought as they sat on a bench in a small park.


Sorin said demurely, though Rom did not know if it was for the drink or the compliment.

"Even I was stunned." He laughed.

"I have never imagined you to be the type to get so excited easily."

Sorin too smiled lightly, his laugh was highly addicting, she also did not know herself why she got so agitated. Maybe because, she saw herself in the old lady.

She knew what it felt like to be desperate and helpless, especially in old age, she would certainly wished for someone to help her if she was in her place.

"So, we go back?" Ron asked, gulping his drink.

"No." Sorin replied, she dreaded to return emptyhanded, she wanted to delay the journey as much as possible.

"Why are you doing this?" Ron turned towards her and asked, his eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Hm?" Sorin looked at him.

"Like, you know, helping the old grandma?" He gestured.

She laughed a bit. "So that God will return the favour to me when I am old."

"You believe in god?" He asked, amused.

"Yes." Sorin replied.

She wanted to believe that someone exist, who heard all her prayers, who saw all her grievances, and whom she could rely on.

Ron could see it in her eyes, the fear of lonliness.

"You don't have to worry about that, you have Leon." He said calmly.

"Wh..what do you mean!" She stammered, her face flushed with scarlet.

Ron smirked, satisfied on finally getting that reaction out of her.

He chuckled when he saw her trying to hide her blushing self under her calm demeanor, she was more and more like his best friend.

They were the same yet so different, two lonely souls trying to conceal their lonliness underneath their indifferent facade.

He smiled benignly as he ruffled the top of her head. "Don't worry, you will never be alone again."

Sorin looked up at him, surprised because of the sudden warm gesture, she did not remember the last time she receive it.

Ron was fun to be around, lively and reliable, he would lighten up the mood wherever he went with his charming smile.

Maybe, Sorin wondered, that was the reason why people always flocked around him.

Leon, on the otherhand, was like the aloof flower that bloomed on the lofty heights, unapproachable yet enticing.

Both had a unique charm of their own, but she always felt a special inclination towards the latter.

"Those grapes are sour."

Sorin suddenly remembered the story when she pondered over the fact, why people did not like him that much.

An incoming call interrupted her train of thought, it was an unknown number. Sorin picked it up, secretly hoping for a certain person.

"Hello?" She spoke, her voice and face calm but her insides were in a turmoil.

"Hello." There was a pause, which felt like hours to her.

"Today, we will come today."

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