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(Third Person's POV)

Ron sat sprawling on the couch, holding a smoldering cigar in one hand and the other resting around a slim waist of the hostess who was positioned on his lap.

He inhaled the poisonous smoke deeply as he looked at the untouched glass on the table and then at Leon, who, with an unreadable expression on his face, was busy glaring at an old metal pen in his hand ever since he came.

The girl who failed to gain his interest was just sitting there beside him, not even daring to touch him. Ron exhaled, he could clearly see what was troubling his friend.

"Who is it?" He asked casually.

"What?" Leon perked up, quickly hiding the pen inside his pocket.

"That pen." Ron pointed out.

"I picked it up." Leon replied bluntly.

"Oh really?" Ron asked, amused. When did his neat freak bestfriend become a scavenger. His lips curled up into a cheeky smile when he saw Leon downing his glass in one gulp.

"Who's the girl?" He asked directly.

"What are you talking about?" Leon nearly choked as he whipped his head towards Ron, panic evident in his eyes even though his stoic expression did its best not to betray him.

"Oh! Is it a boy?" Ron faked a surprise expression. Leon's jaw ticked when he earned some weird looks from the girls as if saying 'Oh! That is why he was so uninterested.'

"Shut up!" Leon spat as he rose up and strode out of the room, clearly annoyed.

Ron laughed, clearly enjoying his nervousness. It was the first time he have seen the indifferent Leon reacting so much. He was pleased to have finally struck a nerve out of him.

Leon stood outside the entrance of the nightclub. His hair was all ruffled up, as a result of running his hands through it several times, he did not know why he was so frustrated.

The night air was cool and refreshing as he took a stroll, it calmed his mind. But failed to quelled the uncomfortable mussy feeling inside his chest.

He desperately wanted to get her out of his mind. And was ready to do anything in order to achieve his goal. He even went as far as going to a club with Ron and agreeing to girls accompanying them.

But in the end, he could not bring himself to throw away, either the pen or her thoughts. It was frustrating, and he felt pathetic.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply as he continued to stroll, studying his own shadow casted by the dim streetlight, which proved to be a great divert from his tribulate thoughts.

Suddenly someone crashed into him, and instinctively, his arms caught their waist in order to steady them as the impact caused the person's body to reel back.

His heart trembled just the slightest when he saw the face that stared up at him.

The dim streetlights illuminated her delicate features, making her face shone softly like the moon. His breathing became haggard as he stared at her, his heart racing inside his chest.

Her body felt so light in his arms, he was afraid that she would break if he hold her any tighter. He was wide awake, but he felt as if he was dreaming.

Suddenly his eyes narrowed a bit when he notice the trace of moisture in her hazel eyes. She was crying.

His eyes flicked ahead sharply when he heard rushed footsteps halting a few feets away. Anger erupted inside him when a guy howled.

"There's the bitch! Get her!"

After that, things were in a daze. He did not even realise when he grabbed the guy's collar before shoving him to the wall and pummeling his face, making him bleed crimson.

Another guy pounched from back and jerked him backwards with a vice grip on his neck.

Leon thrashed around in his grip, as he rounded a powerful kick to the third guy, seemingly a boy of fifteen or sixteen, who was charging towards him with a metal rod.

He elbowed the guy on his back, turning round and kneeing him several times on his stomach before throwing him harshly on the cold ground.

He ignored the groaning boy on the ground who scurried backwards in fear when he approached him, and simply picked up the metal rod laying beside him, before making his way towards the first guy whom he had punch.

He was about to hit him when a feminine voice jerked him out of his mindless state.

"Leon! Stop!" Sorin cried, scared and desperate. "You are going to kill him!"

His raised hand paused, realisation of what he had done coming to him in slow motion.

The three men, taking advantage of the situation, got up and ran away, dropping Sorin's purse in their haste.

Leon dropped the rod on the ground, the loud clanking sound being the only noise in the deserted street.

What was he thinking? Was he out of his mind? He had fight numerous times but he was never that aggresive, never that blinded by anger to lose his rationality.

What provocated him so much? He did not know what was wrong with him anymore!

"Wait." Sorin hurriedly called when she saw Leon begining to walk away.

He paused, but did not turned back or said anything. He did not even asked how she knew his name as Sorin thought he would.

She felt a bit disappointed, she was just one of those nameless characters to him. Suddenly she felt an intense fervour for him see her distinctly, to know her as her.

"Sorin." She said, desperate for a reaction as she stared at his back hopefully.

"My name is Sorin."

Her heart sinked when she did not get any. She casted her gaze downwards as she added ever so softly.

"Thank you for helping me."

Leon just stood silently for a while before he walked away, without turning back or even uttering a word.

He did not feel the pain in his bloodied knuckles any longer, his neck did not throb anymore. He tried to escape the reality by refusing to accept the truth.

But he failed miserably.

It was already late.


From a distance, Ron grinned cheekily as he watched the whole scene with immense amusement. He eventually found his best friend's secret. He laughed to himself.

"He is not a robot afterall."

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