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"Seriously!" Naobi gape her mouth, incredulous, holding the half eaten burger in one hand and the juice on the other. She is a preety girl with slim body, soft garnet hair, beautiful emerald eyes and smooth ceramic skin. "She just walked away like that? No sorry no thankyou?"

It is our off period and we are in the cafeteria to have lunch. I nod, stuffing myself with my share since I want to finish as quickly as possible to review the topic of the next lecture.

"Yah! She is really a bitch! If I met her she'd have a taste of my flying knuckles! I'd punch her until she look like a fucking toothless fish!"

I laugh at her angry remark, covering my full mouth with my hands as the last bite of my vegetable burger threaten to fall out. No one will expect such a preety girl with an lovely inocent face and cute girly outfit to be capable of such words.

She is really hot tempered and had a scary personality when she get mad as a complete opposite to how she looks like. Maybe it is the reason why we got along so well, she is not one of those hypocrites who use sweet honey laced tone on the surface but hide bitter motives underneath.

"She was probably on her periods or something. And that was also a fake note." I reply as the laughter finally died down, before taking a large gulp of my lemonade. It is my favourite and also it is the only drink that I could afford since I do not like either soda or caffeine.

"Right! I want to see her reaction when she found out that the note was a fake one. That would be fucking priceless!" Her eyes gleam in excitement as she sip her strawberry milk.

"Sorin, do you have something on your mind?" she suddenly speak up, the amusement disappeared from her voice.

As usual nothing could be kept hidden from her, no matter how hard I tried to pretend. I shake my head as I smile a little. She is the only person who could tell something is troubling me just by looking. I look up and see her serious face. I do not want her to be worried about these small things. She has already done so much for me.

"It is nothing serious." I wave it off. "Just some scary nightmare."

"Those dreams again?"

I nod as I lower my gaze down on the table, bitting my lips. For some reasons I cannot look up, tears threatening to sting my eyes.

She sigh sadly. Though I never told her the full story, she know a little about my parents and grandpa and the accident and the suicide attempt. She never pressed me to tell her either, she know how it was difficult for me. And I am grateful for that.

"I know it is hard." she say in a soft comforting voice. "But you need to learn to let go of the past to be able to focus on the present and future."

"I know you can do it." she smile as she hug me. "You are strong."

"Thanks Nao." I mumble in her embrace.

"Hey! I thought we were bestfriends!" she retort playfully as she grin wider.

We both say at the same time. "No sorry or thankyou in friendship."

I separate myself from her as I laugh, a feeling of warmth churning up inside my chest. This is her magic. She always make me feel better. My mind wander off to the day when we met for the first time.

It was in the eight grade, I was constantly bullied and she was the only one who stood up for me. The only one who talked to me like I was an actual person. I am glad that I have her as my best friend.

After a minute, I finish my lunch and proceed to get up. "I am getting up, I need to go to the library."

"Aish! You really take no break." She shake her head sighing. "Okay see you after class."


I smile as I nod, getting up and heading towards the library on the second floor of the main building. We are currently on the first floor where the cafeteria was situated.

Naobi is an art student and I am in commerce department so we have no common off period except the lunch break at tweleve in the noon.

My mind shifts to the night of my suicide attempt. Naobi caught my hand before I could fall, as she shouted for help. I remembered, I clung to her hand and I realised in that moment how desperately I wanted to live.

The warden and the watchman came rushing when they heard shouting. Things were in a haze after that, I guess I fainted. When I regained my senses back, the white roof of infirmary greeted me.

The warden asked me what happened, I lied that I was out on the rooftop for some fresh air and accidently fell when I leaned on railing to peer below. She scolded me for my carelessness and warned me to never go there.

I apologised and she went away after telling me to rest for the day. But Naobi remained sitting on the couch and silently stared at me, I knew she did not believe my lie but said nothing.

I remembered how awkward I was when I thanked her. She had frowned and shook her head, fervently telling me that there should be no sorry or thankyou in friendship.

Those simple words felt my chest with warmth and my lips curled up into a smile.

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