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(Third Person's POV)

It was lunch break, Sorin was heading towards cafeteria. As usual the hallway was thronged with people as she tried to push her way through without being noticed as possible.

It could not be said that she was bullied on a daily basis but there were times when someone would accidently bumped or tripped her, causing her to fall.

Of course they apologised, though she doubted it to be more of an amusement to them than an apology. And she would reply with an It is alright, not because she was afraid of them but because she thought it was so troublesome.

In order to survive peacefully, she had to lay low and avoid confrontations. It did not mean that she was weak.

Sorin reached cafeteria and grabbed her lunch. She saw Naobi already sitting on their usual spot and headed towards her with a small smile.

Only after nearing did she noticed the unpleasant mood Naobi was in.

She watched Naobi aggressively murmuring to herself, probably cursing the other person to get chopped up by a psychotic serial killer, as she placed her tray on the table and sat down.

"What happened?" Sorin took a sip of her drink as she questioned.

"That Bitch!" Naobi seethed as she clenched both her fist.

"She dared to bump into me on purpose and say with that disgusting voice of hers, Oh! I am sorry. I didnt see you there."

"Susane?" Sorin frowned, though she did not exactly hate the girl, she could not say that she like her.

"You taught her a lesson?"

"Yep." Naobi smirked slyly, the anger quickly morphed into obvious smugness.

"How can I miss that?"

Sorin shook her head, laughing slightly, she was proud of her bestfriend. "So what exactly did you do?"

"Nothing much." Naobi leaned foreward as she whispered excitedly.

"I just accidently splashed the moldy sewage water on her face."

"No way!" Sorin widened her eyes in excitement, unable to hide the wide grin that made way to her features.

Naobi grinned back, toasting her drink in the air like a queen. Sorin laughed. That was the typical Naobi. Though she was a bit stubborn and prickly, she never instigated a fight for no reasons.

But if anyone dared to start, she would be the one to end it. An eye for an eye, that was her motto, and nobody would dare to mess with you.


Leon scanned the half-crowded cafeteria with bored eyes for a minute before spotting Ron waving at him with a wide grin and his other arm around a girl.

Leon walked towards their table with his tray.

Ron was his bestfriend, they had been friends since elementary school, and he was one of the few people who were close with Leon.

He had a tall and athletic frame with deliciously tanned skin, soft dirty blonde hair and dreamy ocean blue eyes.

But what contributed the most to make him the hearthrob of half the female students in the campus, was his charming boyish smile.  

Leon almost stumbled on the floor when his feet trip on something, or rather someone.

Something flashed in his eyes but his face remained stoic as ever as he kicked the feet that had extended to block his way before it retreated under the table.

The guy grunted loudly as he held his limp feet, the ankle seemed to have fractured, guessed he did not want to walk for some months.

Leon ignored the cursing directed towards him from the crying guy and slipped on the seat opposite to Ron in their table.

"Wow! That was impressive! So like you!"

Ron looked really excited as he curved his lips upwards and his blue eyes sparkled with entertainment.

"Do you know that guy?" Leon started digging into his lunch casually, as if the nothing had happened.

"Seriously!" Ron gaped as his eyes widened, incredulous.

"You don't remember that guy?"

Leon looked at him abruptly and frowned. "Do I have to?"

"Man! How could you just forgot the person you fought last week!" Ron shook his head in amusement as he explained.

"He got into detention because of that. Must be trying to get back to you."

"By tripping me?" Leon scoffed as he sipped his drink. "That's so lame."

"Hey! Leo." Ron seemed to have remembered something as he pulled in the girl beside him closer into his arm.

"Meet my new girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is Leon."

"Hi." The girl smiled shyly.

"Hello." Leon forced himself to say before focusing on the food before him.


Sorin glanced to the tables in middle when she heard some commotion. A guy was crying loudly while clutching his feet on the ground.

He cursed loudly to another guy, who probably would have caused his state, as he walked away completely ignoring his existence.

She looked at him, bewildered. Of course, she was good at ignoring troublesome people but she doubted she could if someone was literally screaming profanities at her in front of everyone.

"That is Leon Lai."

She whipped to Naobi and saw that she was already looking at the guy and busy explaining all the details.

"And the guy who is sitting opposite to him is Ron Nam, the number one playboy in the campus. He and Leon are preety close, probably bestfriend or something, though Ron hang out with other boys sometimes."

"Do you know them?" Sorin asked, astounded about her profound knowledge.

"Nah! Just heard it from some gossips." Naobi shook her head.

"But no one really know much about Leon though. Except that he is probably from a rich family and he hates socializing with people."

"Hmm." Sorin creased her eyebrow as she focused on the dark haired boy who was casually munching on his fries, he looked somewhat familiar.

"He is weird." She said to herself absentmindedly.

As if he heard her, he flicked his eyes to hers for a second and her heart dropped.

She abruptly focused back on the plate before her, her hands trembling slightly, as she hurriedly finished her food and quickly downed her drink in one gulp before standing up while grabbing her empty tray.

"Hey!" Naobi sounded both puzzled and displeased as she pouted.

"You already going?"

"Yeah." Sorin managed to force out in a breath.

"Sorry I need to go to the bathroom. See you later."

She did not wait to hear what Naobi was saying as she dashed out of the cafeteria.

With her heart plummeting wildly against her ribcage and adrenaline flooding her nerves, there was nothing else she could think in the moment except that she needed to get away from him as far as possible.

Those aquamarine eyes.

They are same as that night.

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