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(Third Person's POV)

Sorin was walking through the hallway, she needed to go through some books before the lecture which would start in about twenty minutes.

But even though she was clutching the notes in her hand and her feet was taking her towards the library, her mind was far away.

The rest of the week passed normally for Sorin. She had lunch with Naobi in the cafeteria like everyday and spent most of her time in the library.

On the weekend, she volunteered at the Old Aged Home. She would offer the free service at least twice a month and sometimes more often if she had less work

She sometimes dealt with rude customers at work and some money problems. Other than that, the week could safely be called a peaceful one.

Well, It was too peaceful to be true. There were no signs of Leon. It was like he had never existed. It was a good sign. It meant that whatever he was, he did not remember her.

She ought to be relieved but she could not help getting mixed feelings. She was not curious about him, Sorin assured herself a thousand times. But she could not push his image out of her mind.

Was she the only person to know that side of him? It was not a question. It was a possibility. And the mere thought of it made her feel so special.

It could not be said that she personally hated him but she did not liked him either. He was someone whom she suspected to be a stalker. How did it changed? She was not aware of her feelings anymore.

But she knew they were getting dangerous. And she needed to get out before it was too late. Otherwise she had to pay the price she could not afford.

Suddenly she saw the person who was haunting her thoughts in the broad daylight; Leon Lai was walking towards her in the hallway.

Her feet stopped on their own, it was a while since the last time she saw him. His expression was stoic and indifferent as always.

The scene flashed in her mind. Dont breath a word about this.

His voice was mellow and slightly deep, like the whispers of the wind, she had never notice before that he had such a beautiful voice. The same mixed feelings sparked again.

He did not seem to notice her as he trudged through the crowded hallway. When he reached halfway, some men approached him. They seemed to talk about something and then they led Leon away.

Sorin creased her eyebrow, it was suspicious. The rational part of her brain was telling her that it was not her business. And moreover she did not want to get into any kind of trouble.

But the other part was telling her to take the risk. She knew it would be troublesome but she followed them nevertheless.

They headed towards the abandoned building and she got a foreboding feeling. She followed them quitely and hid in the nook of the wall near the entrance.

She heard noises of fighting and tensed up, she knew things were going to get nasty and contemplated if she should run away.

But something was stopping her. She slowly peeped through the hole and her eyes widened when she saw the shiny metal aiming towards Leon.

Before she could even register, her feet moved on their own accord as she sprang inside the room and shouted.


She realised what she had done only when they glowered at her and warned her to stay away, but she had already done it. She gulped, there was no turning back now.

She frantically searched for a valid reason to blackmail the bullies and she found it. She held her phone high in her hand and pretended that she had taken their recording.

Her heart was racing and her hand was trembling because of the raging adrenaline. She stepped foreward, faking confidence, which was the last straw.

And they bought it. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw them walking away, she did not give atttention to any of their threats and warnings.

It was nerve wrecking but she had successfully drove them away. Naobi would be so proud of her right now.

"Do you know what you have done?" A cold voice rebuked. She looked up, meeting the hard aquamarine eyes directed towards her.

"Why did you do it for? To show your bravery?"

Her eyes sting. His words hurt. But most importantly, realisation hit her. She gazed downwards, processing everything that happened in those few minutes.

Suddenly Sorin ran, she ran as fast as she could. She wanted to get away, as far as possible, from him and eveything related to him.

She finally stopped when her legs gave out. Unable to stand straight, she laid her back on the wall and supported herself.

When she saw the man attacking Leon, adrenaline kicked in and she acted on impulse. Yes, she would still help if somebody else was in his place.

But she doubted if she would put her own safety on stake for them. She would certainly do it for Naobi and for her grandfather if he was still alive.

But Leon was a stranger, not to mention someone whom she was wary of.

Then why did she acted like an irrational person? Why did his words sting? Why did she flee from him?

She crouched down on her knees. Though she tried to deny it a thousand times, she could not changed it. She pulled her knees closer to her chest.

She was afraid, she might be already too late.

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