21. Guilty

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The next day, Jiang cheng woke up with a heavy headache. He staggered his way out of the bed and freshened up. When he went to his study room to do some work, he finally remembered what happened the day before, making him panic. "How did I get here?"

Third Person POV

"What am I going to do? I can't go against him but he..." 

"I think it's best if you go ask him about it yourself, after all nobody knows what happened."

Under a tree stood a boy, who was walking back and forth anxiously, making his golden robes sway with him. Next to him stood another boy trying his best calm his friend. "Just shut up will you, you walking back and forth is making my head hurt." The golden robes turned to the tree where another boy sat, "Jingyi, will you just shut up. I don't have time for this." The said boy rolled his eyes getting ready to retort but became quite when the other Lan looked at him.

Lan Sizhui, "Jinling, we have a holiday for 3 days tomorrow. How about you go and talk to your uncle." Jinling stopped walking and looked at him, considering his opinion. "What if he hates me now, I did say a few things that you know... is hurtful."

Lan Jingyi, "Then why did you say it? Was young mistress Jin being moody again." Soon he shut his mouth when the other picked up a rock, getting ready to hit him. "If you don't shut your mouth, I'll stitch your mouth." The Lan stood up, "We'll see who's stitching who's mouth."

Sizhui came in between holding Jinling's shoulder. "How about we go inside, our classes are going start."

As they were on their way to the classroom, they saw two men openly showing affection towards each other. The Lans were used to this, but the Jin wasn't. "Ew, I am never getting into a relationship if this is what I'm going to do." Sizhui just smiled, but the other thought different, "Young mistress Jin is just jealous, I bet when you get into a relationship, you're going to walk with your hands just for her."

Jinling pushed the boy on his right and took shelter behind his left. "How dare you, just wait till I-" Just then they heard a monotonous voice, "Shouting is not allowed, write the rules 50 times." Jingyi just sighed, there's is no place to argue with the Jade.

The three boys bowed to the couple. "Aiya Lan zhan, why be so strict. Let them have their fun." His words soon turned against him when the jade brought their foreheads together. "Then Wei ying should get punished in their stead." Wei wuxian retracted his head back and stared wide eyed at his husband. "Lan Zhan, my back is still sore. How about we postpone it for later." But with the way his husband was looking at him, he knew there is no going back.

Lan Jingyi, "So... I don't have to write it right?" He heard a hmm before his friends pulled him and left the scene.

Yunmeng Jiang, Lotus Pier

Jiang cheng was going through his paperwork when his right-hand man came in. "Sect leader, I found a few related information but none of them give us a clear idea." Jiang cheng placed all the papers aside making space for the new ones. 

"Given how hard it must have been, it would definitely not leave any trace. Anyways, did you find anything about the shipping problem in the South?"

"Yes, but when our disciples went with them no problem occurred. I have a feeling they might have caught on." Jiang cheng nodded, his brows furrowing deeper.

"By the way, do you know what happened last night?" The disciple shook his head, "When I came back you were already sleeping in your room. Perhaps Sect leader Lan helped you."

Jiang cheng shook his head. How could the drunk Lan bring him here. He sighed, "Keep up the investigation. You may leave." The disciple bowed before leaving. Jiang cheng stood up making his way to the lake filled with lotus. He sat on a rock looking at the lotus in front of him.

He was too deep in his thoughts to realize someone else's presence. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, out of reflexes he twisted their arm making them headlock themselves and kicked their leg making them fall. He used his other hand to keep their other hand away. With him sitting on them, there was no chance for escape. 

He soon regretted it after glancing at them. He immediately got up but his hand which held the other's hand was too slow to break free making him fall. After some struggle he stood up helping the other. 

Jiang cheng, "Sect leader Lan, my sincere apologies, I did not know it was you." The jade smiled, "It's alright, I shouldn't have frightened you." They stood in silence which was broken by the Jiang, "Would you like some tea?"

Both the sect leaders sat face to face.  Lan xichen took a sip from his tea waiting for the Jiang to say something. But he heard nothing.

"I need to ask you something." They both said at the same time, startling each other. The jade smiled, "You can go first, mine is not as important." The Jiang nodded before clearing his voice. "Do you know about the origin of the Yin metal Wen Ruohan had."

Lan xichen was surprised at his question. "Yes, I do." Jiang cheng was happy to find someone who knows about it. "Then would you mind telling me?" The jade took another sip from his tea before looking at the Jiang. "Then, can I ask something in return?"

Jiang cheng immediately knew what his question is going to be. "Fine, I'll tell you what happened, but you must not tell anyone."

Jiang Cheng's POV

Lan xichen, "Of course, I promise." Promises never come true, they are just lies undercover. "I don't need your promise." He just smiled, what else can he do. If I could, I would've wiped that smile off of this face years ago.

I told him everything that happened leaving a few details of our conversation and our encounter. Once I finished, I took a sip of my tea. He was just smiling like a creep. "I knew you wouldn't hurt him." I just glared at him, how dare he. "You could've just asked Wei wuxian rather than coming and wasting your time." He placed the cup in his hand down. "Young Master Wei does not remember what happened, he only remembers seeing a monster but when the disciples went to check nothing was found."

Of course, I went and cleaned it up really well. Not even a stand of hair would be found. "Now it's your turn to answer my question." His smiled slightly faded but came back again.

Lan xichen, " Well, 200 years ago. An intruder from the heavenly Immortal world-" 

*Knock Knock*

How annoying, everyone wants to meet me only when I'm busy. "What is it?" I asked loudly but rather than an answer the door broke open. I turned to look at that intruder but to my surprise it was... Jinling?

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