82. Your Smile and my Frown

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They waited for the Jiahao people when suddenly a black monster flew down from the sky with a terrifying roar. Its black scales shined under the sun rays and its eyes moved around violently, looking for something.

Third Person POV

Jiang cheng's ring turned into a whip and Wei wuxian took out his flute, the demonic aura ready to kill the beast. While those two were in full fighting spirit, the rest were a little taken back by the monster. 

Its body was weird and the strong aura it carried was enough to kill a normal person. The disciples stood frozen with their eyes widened as they started at the scary beast. The twin jades started at the monster with a hint of anger. The fact that their lovers had to fight it only made their fists tighten.

Jiang cheng was ready to jump out but he stayed hidden. He knew the Jiahao people will soon come to kill it. He looked at the sky and sighed. The moon was bright and round, they should've reached here already. He looked around to find anyone hiding but only his clan and the Lans were hiding. 

The monster slammed its limbs against the ground and suddenly a big magical net appeared around it, closing in tightly. Its body was pushed together and constrained as the net was closed with a knot. 

Everyone stood amazed by the net when people slowly came out from the opposite side. Jiang cheng really hoped they did not come before them. The Jiahao people casted a talisman and together moved their hands in a rhythmic motion. The talisman soon lit up and a sudden force from all of them aimed at the beast, slowly drained its energy.

Once the monster stopped moving, they dragged in along the rough sand and used its blood to open a portal in a large rock. 

Wei wuxian was the first to jump out from the bushes and investigate the rock with the jade right behind him. Jiang cheng stood next to him and looked at the rock. It looked normal like any other rock.

The disciples crowded around, trying to get a better look at the strange rock. 

"I think this is connected to a different land; it must be like a teleport point, but without a talisman." said Wei wuxian after making his analysis. 

Jiang cheng's fingers lingered around the rock as he felt a strange feeling in his stomach. The huge rock was enough to fit 6 people at once, but it was also tall. Jiang cheng felt weird every time he'd touch it. He wanted to prick his fingers and draw blood onto the rock too, but he tried his best to stop himself from doing something stupid and embarrassing himself. 

He sighed and took a step back when he bumped into Hui zhong who stood right behind him.

Jiang cheng stood straight with his help, "Sect leader Jiang, why don't we use the egg?"

Jiang cheng shook his head, "No, we need it to lure that monster away." The two spoke in a low voice between each other while Wei wuxian stared at them. He was about to make a joke, but seeing how close they stood, with Hui Zhong's arm holding his shoulders, a small frown landed on his face. They used to stand like that too, even closer. 

Jiang cheng moved away from Hui zhong to investigate the rock more. He kept traces the surface of the rock when his finger got a small scratch from it. It was very small, and the blood did not flow out like it would to a cut. But the rock suddenly lit up and opened into a void. 

Jiang cheng's eyes widened as he was suddenly pulled into it. Wei wuxian was about to jump in but Hui zhong did it before him. Wei wuxian felt a small fire light up in his stomach. He ignored the feelings and jumped into it but Lan wangji's strong arms held him out. 

He tried to struggle free and with no outcome, he tried to convince the other to let go. "Lan zhaan~ let's go together at least, the portal might close soon."

Lan wangji finally agreed and jumped into the portal but he was pushed out by the portal with a great force.

Just then, Lan xichen came with a small group of disciples who were investigating the area. When he saw the missing Jiang, he immediately jumped into in, but the portal closed, making him land his fist on the rock. The force was s powerful, the rock stared to crack.

"Let's go get them, we have another portal."


Jiang cheng was dizzy allover as he felt the space around him shrink in. In a swift second, he was pushed onto wet land. He tried to get up, but his disciple came at him, and they both fell to the ground. 

The got up and, Jiang cheng checked for any injuries and then sighed in relief, he can't have his most trusted disciple injured. "Sect leader Jiang, are you hurt anywhere?"

Jiang cheng smiled at him, "Who do you think I am? a small fall like this can't hurt me." The two laughed together as Jiang cheng got up and offered him a hand. The disciple stood up and brushed off his clothes. 

"So, you can smile." A cold voice spoke from the side. The two turned their heads and saw a dirty Wei wuxian with leaves stuck in his hair and his clothes a mess. Jiang cheng's smiley face turned to a frown immediately. 

He ignored his words and took a look around. 

They were stuck in huge cave which is one of the best places he has ever seen. the cave was light up by miscellaneous source, there was grass here and there including the walls. The land was a little wet as a small river ran down from a small waterfall from the cave. There were beautiful trees surrounding the center and heaps of hay, twigs, wood and large leaves laid in the center.

You could even see lotus ponds and a lot of trees which were in Yunmeng.

Jiang cheng was amazed by the view and walked around with Hui zhong behind him. Hui zhong kept comparing the similarities between lotus pier and the cave while Jiang cheng nodded smiling.

Wei wuxian could taste the bitterness in his tongue as he looked around trying to calm down. Just then a loud sizzling sound came from behind him as he took a step back. A black portal blasted out as the monster was thrown onto the ground with a loud thud, causing the mud and stones to shift. 

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