45. Touched the water

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Just as he took a step, he slipped on his own feet and fell face down. Jingyi and Jiang cheng tried to rush forward but were too late. Jiang cheng sighed, "Fuck my life."

Third Person POV

With the four-arm strength, the two finally carried Lan xichen to the nearest room with is Jiang cheng's chamber. Jiang cheng never troubles the maids but when he finally needed their help, they seemed to disappear.

After roaming around, Jiang cheng finally found a physician. He was sure the Lan hit his head on a rock causing his abnormal and weird behavior. 

The physician was very concerned when he saw the sect leader personally request his presence. But when he examined the Lan he sighed. "Sect leader Jiang, no need to worry. He is completely fine." But Jiang cheng did not believe him. After multiple examinations, the elder's arms started to hurt.

He bent towards the table near the Lan and took a jug of water when he smelt alcohol. He sniffed around and finally came closer to the other's mouth. He was about to make his final speculation when Jingyi pulled him back.

Lan Jingyi, "Physician, what are you trying to do?" The other finally realized how improper his position was and sat back straight. He cleared his throat and replied, "If I'm not wrong, Sect leader Lan must have consumed alcohol. I can smell it near him."

Lan Jingyi did not believe a word. How would the sect leader of Lan clan drink in the broad day light. He was about to deny it but Jiang cheng already bent over near Lan xichen's face and nodded his head. "No wonder he was acting weird."

Lan Jingyi stood up, "I don't think sect leader drank. He never drinks, he hates alcohol. Even when Late sect leader Nie offered, he rejected him." Jiang cheng felt pleasant and pity.

Pity cause the young Lan did not know how much of an alcoholic drunk Lan xichen can be. Pleasant because, well... he just... who cares. The Jiang lost all sorts of feelings. He is only filled with sorrow, regret and pain. After quickly dispersing his thoughts, he thanked the physician and ordered a maid to make hangover soup who finally thought it would be a good time to appear.

Jiang cheng finally remembered that his nephew was waiting for him. He was already tired and spent after using Zidian. The demon's illusions surely made him very tired and rained his energy, making him weaker.

He slowly walked to read Jinling's mood. Though he was not scared, he was not in the mood to listen to a young mistress's whining. Lan Jingyi chose to stay with his sect leader and did not follow behind.

When he made it to the final turn, he could see the white and yellow robes fluttering in the wind.

Sizhui placed several meat pieces on the Jin's bowl urging him to eat. Jinling sighed and ate it while sneakily placing his hated vegetables on the other's plate. Sizhui did not move his eyes, but he saw it and a small smile creeped up on his lips. 

Jinling never complains while eating vegetables, so he thought the other did not hate them. But little did he know that was all an act. Jinling was simply practicing enduring all sorts of discomfort and hate he might feel when he attends a cultivation conference. 

The cultivation conference is not a simple gathering of different sects to discuss problems and increase the well fare of the people. It is an open forest with different carnivores. None giving up on their prey and all becoming prey to one another. If he does not eat vegetables serves, he would be considered a child and thrown away to some corner and humiliated.

But now that he was alone in Lotus Pier, no one could judge him when Jiang cheng stood in front of him. Because the Jiang will the one to break his legs and stuff it with vegetables. Now that no one was there, how could his little tail not pop up. 

But the Lan took it completely different. To him it was an act of care and fondness. He couldn't help smiling at his bowl. He turned to place the meat when the Jin turned to place the vegies. Caught red handed, Jinling turned swiftly hitting his elbow on the Lan's forehead. 

He quickly apologized while the other rubbed his forehead. He then reassured the Jin and continued eating when a slightly powerful wind blew his forehead ribbon away. The two were surrounded by lake. And unfortunately, the Lan and Jin were sitting opposite to the stone path. 

Jinling quickly reached out the fence surrounding them and caught the ribbon before it touched the water. But sadly, the lower end of the ribbon already touched the water. But it did not spread far.

Jinling patted the wet area and handed it to the Lan who's widened eyes stared at him. 



"Sizhui! What's wrong with you." He still wanted to eat his meat, so he stuffed the ribbon h=in the others hand and continued eating. Sizhui was in a daze for a while but quickly turned around and started eating with bright red cheeks.

Jinling glanced at him and placed his chopsticks down. "What is wrong with you? Does removing your forehead ribbon turn you into a demon?" He nodded his head. "I remember hearing you're should not remove your ribbon as it is connected to you. Who knew wet forehead ribbon gives you fever." The Jin bravely proved that he did not listen to any of the elder's teaching. 

Jinling waited or a while but seeing no movement, he took the ribbon from Sizhui's open palms and stood up leaning over him slightly. He tied is around the other's forehead and put an extra knot. He then took the wet end on the ribbon and sat down blowing on it. 

At this point the Lan was completely red. Even his hands were trembling slightly. He did not know the Jin does not pay attention to class. Sizhui sits a few seats next to the Jin and every time his eyes cross upon him, Jinling would have his full attention on the teacher's words. Nodding at times and writing down notes. He thought the other knew about the rule and was too shy to confess his feelings. But why should the other be shy. His mere existence calms him down, but also makes him nervous.

Sizhui always had a flutter in his heart whenever he sees the Jin. But he ignored it, reciting the rules whenever needed. It was wrong, but today's action made him accept his feelings. He's in love with the other. 

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