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I'm really sorry for not uploading for a long time!! I was just stuck in between two great plot ideas and I did not know how to move forward. But now I've finally decided to go with the original plan of ending it within 100 chapters. I'll continue regular updating too ;P thank you♡♡


"Will I finally wake up from this dream? Or did the demon already take control of my body?"

Lan Xichen's POV

The spiritual energy surged through my body as I rushed at the monster. Is was busy attacking Wangji while I aimed to slice its body. I concentrated all the energy in my body at my hand and I charged at it. It was a sudden movement but an unexpected attack and the beast groaned as I slashed it.

It was a fast attack and only a second passed before Wangji and I started the sealing technique. All the Lan disciples joined in and the beast was sealed numb.

I finally signed in relief and turned around to see Wangji walk to me. I sheathed Shouyu and I suddenly heard a thud. I could see the Jiang disciples rushing to the side shouting 'Sect leader Jiang!'. The moment I heard 'Jiang' my feet was already in front of him.

I held his hand tightly as I called out his name. I could hear soft mumbles, but I couldn't make out his words. I caressed his pale skin as I called out his name again. He weakly lifted his hand and pushed me away and stood up. I stumbled back as young master Jin pushed his way to Wanyin.

I was eventually pushed to the back as the Jiang disciples rushed forward. I felt my heart a little heavy, but I can't understand. I turned my head to the side when I heard my name being called. Lan Sizhui stood with a white cloth in his hand.

"Zewu-jun, your hand... it's bleeding." I looked down and it was. I don't even know when I got it. I smiled as I shook my head, "It's alright, it should heal soon."

"Brother..." I looked at Wangji as he walked towards with a conflicted look. I could see concern written all over his face. I patted his shoulders and smiled, "Don't worry about it, trust me."

A few days later...

Jiang cheng leaned on the brown pillar as he looked at the lotus pond before him. The cool winds pushed his this purple robes to the side and his dark locks hindered his view.

His body was wrapped in white bandages, a few wet in red. He held a small porcelain cup with hot liquor.
His took the last sip and placed the empty cup down.

His head was filled with various thoughts and emotions that it was very overwhelming. His wrists were filled with purple spots. He finally regained his complete memory, but it pained him even more.

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes, completely tired of everything. Loud footsteps neared him and finally stopped right next to him.

"Jiujiu! You haven't eaten anything from the morning, do you really think alcohol is enough." shouted Jinling.
Jiang cheng could already feel his bones give out and his jaw remained tightly closed. His body was not ready to function.
Behind them Hui zhong came running and talked out with jinling to leave his master a little time alone.

Jiang cheng opened his eyes and looked at the bright blue sky. He could smell the rain coming. He scoffed and turned around. "How many times has this happened?"

Jiang Cheng's POV,

I entered my room and looked at a few files I had to go through.
Everything finally went back to its place and the monster was defeated by the great top cultivator Zewu-jun.
And I lost face with the title 'the Sect leader who fainted at the sight of danger.' And of course, no one knows about my poisoned body or about the demon immortal.

To the other's it was just a random night hunt which lead to saving many people.

A cultivation conference is to be held in a few days where they'll give reports on the whole incident.

But I somehow find everything unreal. When I woke up I was already in Lotus Pier. And my poison was removed by some great physician who might have poked too many needles around my wrist. But right now everything is well other than me.

I can do nothing but sigh and continue with my sect duties. I flipped through different files and went through many papers. My life has come back to its initial boring stage again.

But this is better...

I have to prepare for the conference too, and be ready to keep my calm under all those rubbish opinions they throw at me.
Just the thoughts is enough to get my stomach nauseous. I sighed again and leaned back. My hands pained but I'm used to pain.

Has there been anyone who has always made me happy and never sad?

I stood up and walked to the bed and pulled the sheet up. I just wanted to sleep and that's what I'm going to do. Just as I was about to get in, a small blue pouch fell down.
I picked it up traced my fingers over the dark blue embroidery.

I remember, it's the pouch sect leader Lan bought in the festival. I almost forgot about it. I pushed my fingers in and opened the pouch, it was quite spacious. I kept on the nightstand and went through all the shelves.

*knock knock*

I walked to the door and leaned forward, 'what is it?' I asked, 'Sect leader Jiang, you got a letter... from Gusu Lan clan'.

I opened the door and nodded at the disciple who held the letter. He quickly left after giving it to me. I did not know I was that scary.

I went inside and looked at the letter. A small gasp left my lips as I looked at the sign, Lan Xichen.

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