62. Bruise

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As soon as the words left his mouth, he regretted living. But seeing Lan xichen lite up like a puppy, he couldn't help but smile. Reflecting him, The Lan gave out a wide smile as well. Unable to handle the other's beautiful smile.

"You look so pretty when you smile Wanyin."

Third Person POV

Jiang cheng's first instinct was to punch him, but he held back.


The Lan happily shifted the food onto a table and sat down, waiting for the Jiang to join him. It wasn't long before the two ate together. 

There was a layer of comfort surrounding them though one might find it deadly silent.

Jiang cheng was not in the mood to eat at all. His stomach stung every time he moved, but the Jiang could not remember getting injured.

The food on his plate turned cold and the meat was no longer easy to chew. But Lan xichen's plate was near empty. He'd often glance at the other's plate, trying to find some changes.

"Wanyin, is the food not to your taste?"

The later did not respond and was stuck in daze, his eyes unfocused. 

Lan Xichen placed his chopsticks down and went to the other's side, still unnoticed.

Jiang cheng regained his senses when the Lan tapped gently on his shoulder. His ears turned red in embarrassment. 

"My apologies, I did not mean to-"

"Wanyin, Are you alright?"

Jiang cheng did not know how to respond. He did not wish to lie to the only person he talks freely with. 

"I... don't know."

Lan Xichen was taken aback with his response, but he was happy the Jiang did not try to push him away. 

"Is it because of Immortal Qi?"

Jiang cheng remained silent for a while before nodding. "I feel like he is targeting my clan."

Lan xichen did not question him further since they did not know how secure the room is.

The silence was broken when a loud knock rang through the room. Jiang cheng abruptly stood up, groaning in pain when his stomach stung again. 

Lan xichen who heard his groan knew something was wrong and he immediately held the other's shoulder firmly. Before Jiang cheng could question him, he removed the belt and pulled the purple robes down, revealing a pale white skin with a few of his bite marks and a dark bruise in his stomach.

Jiang cheng was flabbergasted at his actions, he couldn't utter a word. Never in his life had he ever been disgraced like this. His face burned red while his wrist was lighted by purple sparks flickering. He still did not notice the bruise on his stomach.

He was about to burn the Lan when his shoulders were grabbed by the other, leaving him unexpected.

"Wanyin! Who did this to you!"

For the first time, Jiang cheng saw the fury in the Lan's eyes. It was weird to see someone who only smiles all the time to be angry.

Jiang cheng looked at the cause of this fury and was surprised to see a dark black bruise. From all his experience, it was impossible to get such a heavy bruise without one's knowledge.

His fingers lingered above the wound, afraid to touch it. When he finally did, he felt a painful sting run up his spine. His legs gave up and he fell on the Lan who supported him.  He couldn't hear anything, yet he could hear loud noises everywhere.

When Xichen called for him again, he realized the other had fainted. He lifted him up and carried him to his bed, laying him down on the soft mattress which engulfed the other. It was then that he noticed the other's nose was bleeding, just like before.

There was another knock on the door which led the Lan to open it. 

Wei wuxian stood in front of him, alone with determination written all over his face. But as soon as the Lan came into his view, the determination was rewritten by confusion.

"Zewu-jun, what are you doing here?"

"Since sect leader Jiang did not eat, I brought him food."

"Aah~ Then I guess I can join him. I am a little hungry too."

Lan xichen wanted to tell the other about the bruise but after seeing how awkward Jiang cheng was around him, he chose to help him.

"Actually, sect leader Jiang just went to bed. I'm afraid we'll be disturbing him."

Wei wuxian's face dropped in disappointment. He sighed and nodded. "Alright then."

He turned around was walked a few steps before looking at the Lan again. "We are going to the city market today; would you like to tag along?"

Lan xichen nodded, "If I'm not disturbing you then."

"Of course, you're not. It would be an honor to have Zewu-jun come with us. I'll go tell Lan zhan."

Jiang Cheng's POV

  It smells like lotus everywhere, just like before. But this time, I can't open my eyes. 

I continued roaming around the room, trying to identify something. The room was unfamiliar and so was the scent. It felt so much like Lotus Pier but it's so different. 

How long have I been walking? my legs feel fine like I haven't taken a step. I hear no voices, but I feel like I can. Is this one of that demon's works? I can't say anymore.

"You don't have to question that. If not me then who else?"

I swiftly turned my head towards the direction of the sound. I could hear snickering sounds and muffled laughs.

"What do you want?" I asked but my question went into deaf ears. The sound I once heard vanished into nothing. 

"You Jiang's are always so haughty; do you even know how you look like right now?"

"I asked you first, so answer me!" My voice rang through my ears. It was seconds before I felt a rough hand grab my jaw. 

A low voice spoke near my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "Listen here you little Jiang, you are in no place to demand me anything. Just shut up and sit quietly like a good boy or it won't end well."

Sit? But I was walking-

I felt a sudden press on my chest, like it's trying to break my ribs and grab out my heart. I couldn't feel anything for a moment until I felt water drop on my hands. I tried to trace the path, but it led to my eyes. No, it isn't mine. It's different.

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