101. The left behind Imprint

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Jiang cheng took a deep breath. "Find someone for me. As soon as possible."

Third Person POV

Jiang cheng sat by his window sill, pondering on the strange words that he had heard.

"Pregnant? What the fuck is he thinking?... but... did the physician really say that?"
He placed his hand on his stomach, trying to feel anything, suddenly he felt somthing. He pressed his hands futher into his stomach when a loud-


His stomach rumbled, "What am I thinking?"

He stood up and left to his room. He sat alone on the small table, just enough to accommodate him.

He took a bite of the spicy hot food that was served to him. "Oh how much I miss this!" He exclaimed, his face calm.

He suddenly heard a knock on his door, "What is it?"

The door opened revealing a panting disciple. "Sect leader, the thing is..."

"Wanyin, dear, how could you leave like that!" The bold man said as he pushed the door to its fullest and welcomed himself.

Jiang cheng looked at the disciple and he immediately bowed and ran off after closing the door shut.

"Sect leader Lan, I did not expect for you to forget your Lanly manners and principles in less than a second. I wonder how grandmaster Lan feels about-"

Xichen immediately hugged him tight as he connected their lips together, "You frightened me, I searched the entire clan... but then I realized you left." He said, their noses touching, their breath hastened and unsteady.

"I am a Sect leader afterall... I have my own responsibilities too."

Xichen connected their lips again, holding him on his lap.

The food had long gone cold while they sat in each other's embrace. The night was not cold anymore, and maybe now, they have a new reason to live for.

Jiang cheng laid in xichen's embrace on his lotus silk bedding. He was wide wake though he was tired.

He summarized his entire day and most importantly, the fact that he was pregnant. It's obviously a mistake he thought. The truth will only be revealed after he comes.

The next day,

Jiang cheng sat in his study room, reading through all his work which was still pending.

"Xichen. Aren't you busy?"

"There is nothing more important than my Wanyin"

Jiang cheng rolled his eyes, his cheeks has a light pink tint as he tried to control the small smile than tried to come past his frown.

"Don't worry Wanyin, I won't disturb you."

Jiang cheng sighed and continued ignoring the intense gaze that was focused on his face. He looked up at the Lan who only smiled at his glare, "You-"

The door opened after a knock and Hui zhong entered. "Sect leader Jiang, he is here." He said after greeting the two.

Jiang cheng stood up and walked past the Lan, he stopped near the door and slightly turned his head to the side, "What are you waiting for?"

Xichen immediately followed beside him, a wide smile on his face. The disciples had to cover their eyes on seeing his bright smile after being used to frowns and secret smiles.

An old man stood near the lotus pond, keenly observing each and every lotus.
His clothes were ragged and his beard was as long as his arm. His wrinkled face had a few scars and black face paints. His rough fingers tightly held a long stick while a rangy bag hung on one side.

"Sect leader Jiang, I wondered if you had forgotten me and my lowly promise."

"Please, this way." Hui zhong guided the man inside while Jiang cheng sighed.

"Wanyin, may I ask who this man is?"

"Someone I saved during my night hunts. He was about to be eaten by a whole group of fierce corpse and fortunately we were going that way."

"But what does he mean by promise?"

"It was a token of gratitude, he was a doctor and great one at that."

Jiang cheng walked closer to the two ahead of him.

Jiang cheng stared at the man's face as he tried to read his expression.
His wrist was itching but he couldn't do anything about it as the old man took his time in reading his pulse.





Lan xichen stared at the man skeptical. His weird expressions and sound was hard to ignore. But since his Wanyin trusts him, he sat quietly beside him.

"I see, i see. Sect leader Jiang, please show me your other hand."

Jiang cheng kept his other hand on the table aswell. The old man took a box from his bag and took a few things.

Jiang cheng looked curiously at the items. He hissed, surprised by the sudden pain that came from his finger tip.

The blood oozed out into a small bottle.

A few hours passed by and Jiang cheng had almost fallen asleep.

"Sect leader Jiang, this is very weird. You look and act the same as the first time we met. But your soul has changed."

"What?" Jiang cheng asked confused. Xichen narrowed his eyes.

"Sect leader Jiang. Your pregnant but your not."

The two had a confused look on their face as they stared at him with their eyes narrowed.

"Sect leader Jiang, I can see fragments of a woman's soul in your body but you don't have to be afraid because it is dead."

"How is that possible" Xichen asked, but Jiang cheng had a hunch.

"It usually is never possible unless one was possessed and the spirit decided to leave the body or if one switched souls through dark arts.

But in both cases, the outsider soul will leave a print on the vessel body and I assume that this strange occurrenceis one of them."

"So it's because of her..." Jiang cheng mumbled, he couldn't belive that he had a living thing inside him.

"But do not worry, this is of no harm, your soul is safe and so is your body. I'd rather say it's a blessing for you and your lover."

Jiang cheng took a quick glance at the Lan who did the same. Jiang cheng immediately turned around making the Lan a bit worried.

The old man stood up with his box in his bag. "Well, my work is done here, have a nice day.."

Jiang cheng wanted to make him stay till lunch, but the man disappeared the moment he exited the room.

"Do you belive me now Wanyin?"

Jiang cheng tried to look at him, but his eyes roamed everywhere but his face.

Lan xichen pulled him closer as he wrapped his hands around the familiar waist. He leaned down and rested his head on his Wanyin's shoulder.

"I can't belive I'm going to be a father..."

Jiang cheng stared blindly, slowly taking in the reality. It started from his neck and the red tint rose up till his head. His eyes widened slowly as he realized the words that he just heard. His contracted pupils looked at the black hair in front of him.

"Th-then I'm going to be..."

Xichen hugged him tight and pecked his lips, "My wife~" He said with a wide smile stretching his face.

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