66. Losing Memory

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In a quick moment the three were stuck between dark fog when a purple spark exploded creating tiny dust. The clouds darkened even further, and the mist slowly disappeared. Jiang cheng stood still, his eyes unfocused while a white snake curled around him.

Third Person POV

The three were petrified. Lan Wangji's hand quickly moved to the hilt of his sword while the other blocked Wei wuxian in case something was to happen. But Wei wuxian was too shocked to even close his eyes. 

Lan Xichen tightened the hold around his Leibing. Though it was expected to happen, he did not think it would be this soon. 

The snake crawled up till his head was behind Jiang cheng after which it hooded, it's black tongue hissing at the three. They all shared a quick glance before each took out their weapon to slice its head. But Lan Xichen chose to use Leibing since he knew the demon surrounding the other will never die.

  Jiang cheng opened his eyes slowly, rubbing away the side effect of watching the thunder strike him. When he was finally able to see again, he felt like his eyes have been stricken by an even ferocious thunder. 

His body trembled as he looked at the bloody scene in front of him. People laid defenselessly on the ground with their organs all spit out. The blooded painted their skin red. 

He looked around and realized that the entire place was empty. His legs moved between the bloody mess. He kept walking endlessly but it did not seem like much time had passed since the sun did not move an inch. 

He kept walking until his legs gave out. He sat on a muddy rock which had strange scribbles. He looked around trying to familiarize with the surroundings. 

He continued walking after a while's rest, wanting to find someone. But strange enough, he did not know who it is. His body moved on its own and his brain worked alone. He felt himself fuse out and come to his right senses when as he reached an abandoned village.

His ears suddenly started to ring, and his body trembled.  He couldn't understand why when a sudden powerful wave hit him unconscious.

Jiang cheng opened his eyes slowly, trying to find clarity in his vision. He looked around and realized he was in Lotus Pier, among his people who were ruthlessly killed. He felt himself go through all those nightmares again.

In a split second, his head was filled with overwhelming emotions. He felt like he was fifteen again, losing everyone.

Aloud music played through the harsh winds. One soft and firm while the other wavered with demonic energy.

Lan wangji fought against different forms. His sword slit through another mysterious being when the snake hissed making a new opponent for them.

Lan Xichen already told them about their opponent through a butterfly message. He played to weaken it while Wei wuxian tried to overpower it which seemed to work very well considering the number of opponents created reduced to one or two.

Jiang cheng's body, which was tightly held by the snake, trembled slightly. His eyes slowly poured out blood as his body started to dry up. When Lan Xichen noticed this, his heart came to a stop with a sudden realization.

"Stop!" He said with a panicked voice. Stopping Wei wuxian.

"What's wrong Zewu-jun?" He asked, slightly panicked as well. 

"Our attacks are not hurting it one bit; it seems to only affect Wanyin."

Wei wuxian glanced at his brother who was so close to looking like a corpse. He immediately dropped his flute and called out to his husband.

Jiang cheng stood against the dark clouds while his head rang like a beating drum. His eyes were unfocused, and his body felt unfamiliar. He couldn't remember but memories flooded in and none of them were good.

He down the edge of the cliff. His eyes watered as another wave of awful memories flooded in. At this point the only thing he could remember was his name. Everything else was blurry and even thinking about it made him feel a nerve ripping pain. 

He looked up at the dark cloud. He had no reason to live he felt no responsibility. He felt the world curse his existence and the Hell open its gates so he could jump in. They were just thoughts, though he did not want to think about it, it was all he could remember. 

He was filled with and remorse, he wanted revenge, but he could not remember against who it was.

He stared into the clouds, begging to end his existence. His eyes were devoid of emotions like they already left to the underworld.

He continued looking when he caught a glimpse of a small white cloud, trying to push away the darkness. He suddenly heard a soft tune move like the waves, across his ears. He closed his eyes trying to remember but his head throbbed. He couldn't handle the pain, but he was determined to find out.

He held his head and fell to his knees, unable to keep him upright. His body shook violently as the sound became stronger and stronger until he heard a snap. 

His eyes regained focus as he looked around.

"Where am I?"

The world seemed so different. The land was corroding, and the clouds disappeared into dark mist. Slowly the land around him disappeared.

He touched his finger, wanting to twist his ring when he realized it was not there.

He was confused, he could remember but he couldn't catch it. He kept chasing but it hid well. The sound of the soft tune was no longer there. He stood against a black ground with the sky reflecting the floor. 

He looked through the darkness trying to find light when he suddenly heard a harsh breathing behind him.

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