63. Cheap

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I felt a sudden press on my chest, like it's trying to break my ribs and grab out my heart. I couldn't feel anything for a moment until I felt water drop on my hands. I tried to trace the path, but it led to my eyes. No, it isn't mine. It's different.

Jiang Cheng's POV

I could only feel the wetness for a few seconds before a bright light blinded my eyes. I couldn't block it with my hands neither was I able to close my eyes. 

The image slowly cleared into a sunny sky. The wind was hot and held fire. The place was deserted with no life around. My eyes moved on its own and looked at my bloodied hands. The pale sleeves were covered in bright red blood with traces of blackness amidst it laid a pendant. 

A bronze metal with a gleaming red stone at the center. It was so mesmerizing but somehow my heart itched in pain. A pain I did not understand. So why does it hurt so much?

My body moved on its own and kneeled in front of nowhere. Darkness invaded my vision as I felt the metal be crushed within my two hands which once gently clasped it.

A sudden wave of nausea erupted within me when I felt myself be pulled back with an enormous force.

My mind is going blank, I... I...

Third Person POV

Jinling gulped down his tea as he thought about the Lan's question. 

"As if I'd believe that. Love? me? who is he kidding and if-"

Seeing his uncle move he quickly placed the tea down and looked at him. The Jiang did not open his eyes but tightened his fist.  Zidian started to spark violently.

Jinling did not know what to do. It is the first time he's seeing Zidian be unleashed without a reason. He stood up and tried to calm his uncle whose nails dug deep into the flesh allowing fresh blood to roll down his pale palm.

It was a matter of seconds before the Jiang's eyes opened, terrified. Jinling didn't even get to say a word before his uncle grabbed his shoulders dirtying the golden robes with blood. He was surprised and dumbfound.

"Xichen, where is he?"

"T-the street, he went with Wei wuxian to look around the tow-"

He stopped mid-sentence when his uncle left the room in a hurry. Good thing he adjusted his robes when he came.

Jinling sat back down when he remembered the dark bruise on his uncle's skin. He immediately ran after the other screaming his name, tripping on a shoe.


Jiang cheng remembered the way the so-called immortal laugh at him. His words were sharp and determined. As if the event has already occurred. He could still feel the dark aura around him. The demonic hands that played with his hair.

"Let's be together again but this time I'll live with you."

"Stop daydreaming, I am not that girl!"

"You should watch your mouth young one. Soon her memories will fill your mind making you forget yourself. But don't worry, I'll take over your lover's body so you two can rest in peace together just like your bodies."

"What are you going to do? use cheap tricks to kill him?"

"Cheap? My men are already on their way to destroy his soul. Don't worry though, no one will notice. The moment his soul id destroyed; I will take over that body."


"Don't be scared, you'll see your family soon too. Even if not for me, the poison in your body will take you away without a problem, I am just going to quicken the process."

Jiang cheng tried to move around the demonic hold. His body was retrained, and every move only made his pain worse.

"Go on, keep moving. Try using your energy too. You'll get to see your dear mommy faster. Your sister might have made your favorite soup too and you'll finally have all your father's love for yourself. No more demonic brother's tortures nor will the nightmares hunt you."


   Jiang cheng ran all the way to the town, not turning back at any instant. Even if he delayed a second, it would be too late.

He ran, not realizing his boots were not worn. The white socks turned brown after being rubbed against the dirty ground. 

He finally saw the Lan standing next to his brother with his usual smile. But what terrified him was the dark silhouette he saw behind the Lan.

His hands trembled as he made his way through the crowd. The loud music that was played in the streets and the sound of the busy crowd made it hard to focus on the Lan. He screamed his name a couple times, but the moving crowd made is hard for him.

He looked nothing like the known Sect leader Jiang, rather like a man who has lost everything including his mind.

He jumped high up to the sky and flew down towards the Lan who turned away from him and walked forward. 

He pierced through the wind, his high bun falling apart. His robes fluttered through the sky, making him shiver without his outer robes.

He could hear Wei wuxian saying 'Jiang Cheng?' and thankfully the Lan turned around. His hands moved and turned making a talisman before using his entire energy and lighting it up. 

Through his peripheral vision, he could see the dark figure disperse with the air when he landed on the Lan's arms with the talisman on the other's chest.

The moment his body came to a stop, he coughed out a handful of blood and fell into unconsciousness.

He could hear different voices call his name, but he wasn't able to react. The loud noise slowly calmed down to quiet. He couldn't feel a thing. It was like floating on the Yunmeng waters, inhaling the Lotus scent.

He felt his fast-beating heart slow down with his breath until there was nothing to hear. His heart came to a stop as he felt peace drown him. The ring around his finger coiled deep within him and became a part of him.

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