Tim x Moby

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Y/N and Tim were hanging out. Tim was helping Y/N study for their science test because she is stupid. Little did they know, Moby was watching them from afar and steam was about to come out his ear if he saw Tim smile like that again. He might've stared a little too hard because then Tim looked at him and raised one eyebrow at him. Moby was about to....  Do something to Tim if he did that again. If you know what I mean hahaha... Tim knew that Moby was jealous so he kept talking to Y/N but this time he took off his jacket hotly and looked sly over at Moby. Moby just ignored him and got up from his spot. Tim knew he was gonna come over here.  He did come over there, but he didn't come up to him or take him into a bedroom. No, he just walked out of the room without saying anything to Tim. Tim was mad he was about to stab Y/N if they didn't shut the fuck up. He made up an excuse on how he had to go to the bathroom real quick. It was a lie. Dundundunnnnn....... He goes to the room that Moby went in or something. He asks Moby why the fuck did he do that. Moby confusion. They have sex but Moby explodes and they both die. Y/N ended up failing their science test because Tim died. Fuck you, Tim. Look what you did. Anyway, he didn't get a funeral. Moby did tho. But everyone died because rain went on his body and it made sparks and there was an explosion. So they are all dead. As I said before. So moral of the story is that, don't fuck robots because they have a 99% chance of exploding.

Thde idohk.

Dumb joke fanfics I wrote in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now