Mop x broom / shrek x reader

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The mop and brooms are dancing as their flowing mains flow everywhere and start to choke them and they start to suffocate and they die. But they realize they are inanimate objects and cannot die or move and then Y/N wakes up, realizing everything was a dream.
"Wow, that was some dream..." Y/N says.
"What was the dream, my sugar cake lollipop doodle doo doo rock candy angel devil heart candy sweet love bitch whore pumpkin pie booty boo?" Shrek groggily says, waking up.
"It was about this Mop and Broom and they were making out and then they died and then they realized they couldn't die and the dream was gone" Y/N says back to Shrek.
"Ohhh that's cute" Shrek farts loudly. "Oopsie daises" Shrek says.

Y/N dies from the fart

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Y/N dies from the fart.
The end

Dumb joke fanfics I wrote in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now