Tim x Moby 2

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Toby is just doing his robot job as Tim cums in. He asks Toby what he's doing.
"Beep booop beep beep boop." Toby answers back. Tim gets a devilish idea in his head. Hes going to fuck Toby. He grabs a kife and fucks his life over and kills him. Haha. You thought. Anyway Toby is like bro im a robot tf u tryna do. And Tim is just like oh shit i forgot. And then Tim throws water on Toby. Then Toby explodes and Tim dies as well.  They are idiots, even though they are supposed to be smart. Dumbasses. This is what you get when your fucking dumb. Could've killed him anyyyy other way but noooo Tim nooo.  Decided to be a dumbass. Toby got a funeral but Tim didn't. Again. And then he exploded. Again. Because it was raining. Maybe don't go to a robot's funeral IN THE RAIN. Dumbasses. Sorry. Anyway.

The ehdgsajdh

Dumb joke fanfics I wrote in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now