Florida middle schools (again)

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LNMS looks at SCMS sexily, SCMS is flustered because LNMS has been teasing them all night at the club(?).
"Hey baby" A random guy says (OCSA) to SCMS
"Hey back off she's MINE" LNMS says as he starts to grow wings and wolf ears because he's the alpha he's the leader he's the one trust (trust) Together we do whatever it takes, we're in this pack for life (Awoof) we're wolves, we own the night. Anyway
"H-he–eh-e–he–h-e-h-e-h-e-hey guys....Don't fight, this isn't you, LNMS" SCMS says in an uwu voice because they're an omega (i don't know what that is )
"Don't worry Baby I'll protect you" LNMS says, ignoring SCMS.
"Hey dude, Ii–i-i-i-i–i-i-i-i–i-i-i-i-i- was just kidding..." OCSA, a beta ass bitch, says, scared"
"IDC" LNMS says in his alpha voice.
LNMS ends up accidentally killing everyone instead of just killing OCSA. They are all dead.
"I'm a..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Monster!!!!" LNMS kills himself with a broken glass shard but SCMS wakes up after he does.
"LoL, ur dumb as hell" It is revealed that SCMS was the real Alpha all along and goes to have a happy life with Kissimmee Middle School.

The ihiudfdhisdfh

Dumb joke fanfics I wrote in schoolWhere stories live. Discover now