3.Truth about Everything

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After calling Regina, Rachel prepares diner for herself and her father. When Mr. Gold comes home they eat there dinner without a word. After they are finished Mr. Gold breaks the silence.

"Why did you ask the question today?" He asks kindly. Rachel looks at Mr. Gold for a minute before answering.

"Because when I was over at Henry's I went through his storybook and found myself there for the first time", she answers.

"And what did you find?" Mr. Gold asks. Rachel looks confusedly at Gold before answering.

"I was kidnapped by Rumpelstiltskin because he wanted revenge", Rachel answers looking at Gold afraid. Gold waits for Rachel to continue so she does. "And in the book you are Rumpelstiltskin."

Gold contemplates something before saying, "Yes we are all characters from fairytale land as they say here."

Rachel looks at Gold not entirely believing her ears. "What exactly does that mean?"

"Sit down and I will explain", Gold says. Rachel looks at him unsure before sitting down. "Everything in the boy's book is true. The place we come from is called Enchanted Forest. Regina, or the Evil Queen, cast a curse which brought us here twenty eight years ago. We have been waiting for the Saviour to come and break the curse."

He pauses to give Rachel some time to digest the information. Before he can say anything else Rachel speaks up. "You really are Rumpelstiltskin, aren't you?" She asks.

Mr. Gold nods his head. "Yes and I created the curse which brought us here. If you have any questions ask them now."

Rachel thinks about everything before asking. "Am I from Neverland?"

"Yes you are. And before you ask I did kidnap you then put you to sleep. You can be woken by only three ways. True love's kiss or the curse hitting or I lift it myself. The curse hit first."

"Thus making sure he can't ever find me", Rachel mutters under her breath. "And now that Emma is here you want her to break the curse?" Rachel asks out loud.

"Yes but she can't do it alone. She needs help and I believe you should help her. Henry has school you don't."

"That is your price isn't it? And why do you want the curse broken?"

Mr. Gold stares at Rachel for a few minutes before answering. "Yes that is the price. And because my son is in this land, outside Storybrooke. The only way I can find him is if the curse is broken."

Rachel doesn't say anything for some time. Finally she says, "I know we aren't really father daughter but I am guessing you don't want me to tell the entire truth to Emma or Henry?"

"That is true. How much do they know?"

"Henry doesn't know anything. I told Emma Rumpelstiltskin kidnapped me to get revenge on his father. But she doesn't know you're Rumpelstiltskin."

"Is my father in the storybook?" Gold asks clearly angry. But like other times Rachel does not become afraid.

"No he is nowhere in the book. And neither am I except for that part where you explain why you kidnapped me. It doesn't say who your father is. But my dream last night made it perfectly clear who he is even though it is impossible."

Mr. Gold doesn't say anything. He looks deep in thought before he states, "You didn't ask who you used to be."

"Are you going to tell me?" Rachel retorts.

Gold smirks at Rachel. "No I won't. But the problem is I don't even know who you are. Not even your real name." Rachel looks a little sad but doesn't interrupt. "Before I had a chance to ask you I was taken prisoner by Snow White and Prince Charming."

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