4. Remembering the Past

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That night after Rachel gets ready for bed she goes to stand at the window. "How can I remember everything?" She asks aloud.

She turns around to go to bed when a voice stops her. "I can help you", it says.

She turns around and looks into those forest green eyes, the ones from her dreams. The ones which belongs to Peter Pan. "How?" She asks.

"With this", he says holding up a vial with some kind of liquid inside. Rachel looks at it, distrust clear on her features. "I know you don't remember me but if you drink this you will. I promise."

Rachel looks at the vial thinking whether or not to drink and in the end she takes it. "How do I know it's not poison?"

He chuckles. "I know you had dreams about us. I can assure you that all those happened. And from your first dream you know I won't hurt you."

Rachel looks at the vial and looks up to see that he has disappeared. She sighs and drinks the contents of the vial. Immediately she feels dizzy and quickly lies down on bed.

"So how do you enjoy Neverland?" Peter asks. "You've been here for a long time now."

"If by long you mean one or two decades, then yes a long time", Addie says chuckling. Peter joins her too. "I like it here but I prefer it when it is nighttime", she answers.

"Let me guess", Peter says as if thinking. "Because you want those boys to be here too?"

Addie nods her head. "It's more fun when there are more children here", she says. Peter sighs. Addie looks over at him.

"What?" She asks. Peter looks over at her a big smile on his face.

"I may know of a way to get them but I will need your help", he says. Addie grins at him.

"As long as it's not something good", she says. Peter grins at her too.

"Don't worry I never do good", he replies. They both get up to make preparations.


"Keep a lookout and let me know when my son gets here", Peter says. Addie nods her head and teleports herself to the top of the tallest house.

Addie watches as Peter starts to play his pipe and boys from different houses come out and follow the sound. Peter has lit a bonfire and the boys start to dance around it.

Suddenly Addie notices a man walking towards the boys. She flicks her wrist and the fire starts to burn brighter which is enough to warn Peter that he is here. Peter flicks his wrist too and the fire goes back to normal.

Peter continues to play the pipe when suddenly it is snatched from his hands. "Where is my son, piper?" A voice asks which he knew all too well.

"Is that what they are calling me?" Peter asks. He tuns around and lifts his hood. "I think we both know who I really am."

Peter looks into his eyes. "Been a long time, laddie. Glad you could make the show", he says enjoying himself. "Surprised to see me, Rumple? Well I don't blame you, I'm a little surprised myself."

Rumple keeps looking at Peter shocked. "Look who's all grown up and become the Dark One. Good for you", he says smirking.

"What are you doing here?" Rumple hisses at Peter.

"Well it's lonely in Neverland", Peter explains. "Apart from Addie, the only friends I have are children who visit in their dreams. But they can't stay. The boys we take back with us will."

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