14. Mary Margaret Or Regina

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After enjoying the festival with Peter, Rachel makes her way home. On the way she meets Emma.

"So what did David say?" Rachel asks.

"He didn't even know about the accident until I told him", Emma answers.

Suddenly the door to the diner slams shut and Ruby marches out. Mary Margaret walks upto Emma and Rachel and they watch as Ruby talks angrily with Dr. Whale. They walk over to them.

"What happened?" Mary Margaret asks.

"I quit", Ruby replies. "And I am leaving town now."

"And where will you go?" Rachel asks.

Ruby shrugs her shoulders. "Why don't you come with us to the loft and figure things out?" Emma offers.

Mary Margaret's face lights up. "Yes that's a fantastic idea. You should come with us and figure things out."

"Alright", Ruby says. As Mary Margaret and Ruby make their way towards the loft, Rachel turns towards Emma.

"I need to head back now", she says. "Goodnight."


"When did you come home last night?" Gold asks Rachel after she comes down, next morning.

"Rather late", Rachel replies. "Besides Kathryn's disappearance is something."

"That it is", Gold replies. "I believe you would like to get back to it?"

"That I do", Rachel replies. "But something tells me you know more than you are letting on."

Gold laughs. "That is true", Gold says. "But that doesn't mean I am going to tell you anything."

"You will soon I know", Rachel says before heading out.

She heads to the Sheriff's Station and finds Henry helping Ruby find a job. Ruby likes none of them. The phone rings and Ruby answers it quickly writing down what the person said.

Emma, standing beside Rachel, watched all of it. After Ruby put the phone down, Emma speaks up. "You should be my assistant."

"Really?" Ruby asks surprised. "But what about Rachel?"

"Don't worry about me", Rachel says. "I'm still underage and when I do come of age I will find work in my father's shop."

Ruby looks at Rachel for a minute unsure, then turns to Emma. "Then yes", she answers.

Mary Margaret enters the Station and walks over to Emma and Rachel. "Why don't we get you something to eat?" Ruby says and takes Henry with her as she walks out.

"What happened?" Rachel asks taking in Mary Margaret's disheveled look.

"I just had an encounter with David", Mary Margaret answers.

"And?" Emma prompts, seeing Mary Margaret is not continuing.

"He looked at me but it was as if he didn't see me. He kept saying he needs to find his wife", Mary Margaret adds.

Emma and Rachel exchange a look. "Where did it happen?" Rachel asks.

"At the sight of her disappearance", Mary Margaret answers.

"We need to get down there with Ruby ", Emma says looking at Rachel. Rachel nods agreeing with Emma.

While they are waiting for Ruby, Henry enters. "I know who Ruby is", he says. "She's Little Red Riding Hood."

"She doesn't look little", Emma says.

"That's not the point", Henry says. Ruby enters putting a stop to the discussion.

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