15. Helping Mary Margaret

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Rachel enters the Station to find Mary Margaret's cell empty. "She did not just run", Rachel mutters.

Emma enters with Gold and they both notice the empty cell too.

"She ran, didn't she?" Gold asks in an amused sort of voice.

Rachel gives him a warning look while Emma shoots him a glare.

"We need to find her", Emma says walking out. Rachel turns towards Gold.

"You gave her the key?" She asks.

"Not directly", he replies before following Emma. Sighing Rachel does the same. They go into the lobby to find Henry reading a book.

"I knew you would help Mary Margaret escape", Henry says looking at Emma and Rachel.

"We didn't", Rachel says.

"I'm going after her", Emma says. "She's not going to prove her innocence by running away."

"You'll be putting your career in jeopardy, Ms. Swan", Gold says.

"I don't care she's my friend", Emma says. Then she turns to Rachel. "Stay here and make sure no one especially Regina finds out. He's the only one who can know if you want."

Saying this Emma heads out not even waiting for an answer. Gold and Henry look at Rachel. "Who's he?" Gold asks.

Instead of answering Rachel turns towards Henry. "Henry don't you have school?"

"Yes I do", Henry answers. "But I want to know who he is."

"No Henry go to school", Gold says. Rachel gives him a curious look but doesn't say anything.

Henry looks between the two and sighs sadly. "Fine", he mutters before walking out.

After they are certain Henry's gone, Gold turns back to Rachel. "You got rid of Henry. So who's he?"

"That would be me", Peter says appearing beside Rachel.

Gold stares at them in shock. "How are you here?"

"That's the funny thing. I'm not here but I'm here", Peter answers mysteriously.

Gold scoffs. "You're bloody shadow", he says. "Who else knows about you?"

"About who I really am or about my existence?" Peter asks raising an eyebrow.

Gold doesn't answer and keeps glaring at him. "Looks like someone didn't step in the trap", Rachel says. "And you're not getting an answer to that question."

Gold turns to Rachel. "All deals with you are off", he says turning towards the door.

"Well then let's go, Peter. I don't need to help Emma break the cure anymore", Rachel says, smirking evilly. "And Henry's been asking who Gold is. I can tell him."

"You do know that if you do that I tell Henry who you are", Gold says turning back. "And if you don't break the curse you can't get back to Neverland."

"Go ahead tell Henry, see if I care. I will find a way. I always do", Rachel answers. "The question is how will you find your son."

"I guess someone needs to renew all their deals", Peter remarks.

Gold looks between the two considering everything. "Fine the deals are still on." He marches out of the door and Rachel and Peter burst into laughter.

"He actually believed you will find another way. He's such a foll", Peter says in between laughing.

"He's a little gullible", Rachel says.

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