16. Time On Neverland

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Addie let's go of Felix and immediately Peter places a hand around her waist. Both Felix and Addie notice this and laugh.

"Come on", Addie says pulling Peter away before he can ask any question. "And don't tell everyone I am here", Addie adds looking back at Felix.

"Yes your majesty", Felix says bowing.

Laughing Addie and Peter make their way to Hangman's peak. Of course Peter teleported them. They sit down on the edge.

"Remember what happened here?" Peter asks, the smile never leaving his face.

"How can I forget?" Addie says laughing. "It's where you asked the question and then we got married here."

Addie reaches upto her neck and pulls out the chain she always wears. "During the curse I didn't know why I wore the ring just that it is very important", Addie says looking at it.

"And now you remember", Peter says taking out the chain he is wearing. It has his wedding ring. "Without you I didn't want to wear it but maybe today we can wear it. Both of us."

Addie reaches over and takes the ring with the chain from Peter. She takes the ring out and slides it on Peter's finger. Peter does the same with Addie's ring. After sliding it on her finger he pulls her close and kisses her. After what felt like to eternity to them, they pull away.

That's the first time they had kissed ever since Addie was kidnapped.

"I didn't know you could kiss a shadow", Addie says.

"Out there holding someone's shadow is a hard work which you made look easy", Peter explains. "But here you can do what you like with another's shadow."

"That's a good thing because I intend to kiss you more than once", Addie says and pulls Peter in for a kiss.

They pull away after sometime, Peter panting. "There are a few advantages of being a shadow", Addie says. "You don't have to breath."

Peter rolls his eyes before glaring at Addie. "It's a shame I have to", he says. "I intend to do make you breathless even though you are a shadow."

"As if you can", Addie says teasingly.

"Oh my dear Addie you don't know anything about me", Peter whispers, his lips beside her ear.

Addie's eyes widen slightly. She knows exactly what Peter's going to do and she's not about to let him win.

"You wish I didn't", Addie says. "If anything you don't know the first thing about me."

Instead of answering Peter starts to kiss her neck. Not kissing exactly. He barely touched his lips to her neck. He knows very well it won't do anything to Addie.

When he gets to her other ear he starts to nip on it. Addie tenses up and almost gasps. All Addie wants is to turn her head and kiss him but that is exactly what Peter wants her to do.

"Give up you can't win", Peter whispers in her ear as he brings his hand up to massage her thigh.

"Let's see who loses", Addie scoffs. She holds both of Peter's hands and turns him around. She holds both of his hands behind him. "Shall we?" She whispers into his ear.

Addie feels Peter's breath quicken. She knows exactly what kind of power she holds over Peter and she intends to use it. "Are you nervous?" She whispers into his other ear.

Peter inhales sharply giving away that he is. "I have never been nervous", he still replies. He wanted his voice to be confident but it is far from confident. Addie laughs. She knows that it's what Peter wants to hear very much.

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